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Cagey Mac

What utter nonsense! If Stanley is never given a chance at 5/8 how can he ever be tested??? Same with King in the team at all but I think they must have promised him he would be given a chance when he resigned so I'm not overly concerned.

The team will evolve under Price. It will evolve by putting new players in. Hornby is a 32 year-old fullback playing halfback. He won't evolve! His game won't change.

Melbourne and Brisbane especially will suffer in the Origin period but will be back to their current form by the end of the regular season.

Make it personal if you like. To then state that I can't put forward a cogent argument is more than a little disingenuous but it's ok. One of the main reasons I want Hornby to make way instead of Soward is because he is the longest serving player in the team. He has had a great career but even Johns, Fittler and etc had to retire. Langer much less gracefully.

BTW: I still think Hornby has value to the team as a utility on the bench. Just as a halfback it's time for him to step aside.[/QUOTE

Slow down and read what's written
  • I haven’t said that you can’t put down a cogent argument. I asked you to do so and fully expect that you can (but sadly not this time).
  • Disingenuous? I am nothing if not sincere. I challenge your arguments not you personally. I say that your assertions lack common sense. Would you say that Dragons followers, by and large would agree with what you put forward. I’d say that a representative group of supporters participate in this place and that your views on this matter are not “common” to even a reasonable minority.
  • King must have been promised? He’s rivalling Chase for invalid of the year at the moment and has been living on sick leave for longer than he would care to remember. Rumours had him on the wish list of others (that’s what managers do for a living)
  • The competition is closer than in recent memory. Origin may be survivable for teams with a lot of rep players but IMO the odds are against it and to propose as an absolute, as you do, that teams will return to form, is perhaps a bridge too far for credibility.

Price is doing better than many expected and his judgment, which incorporates the opinions of players and management should be considered as reasonable until evidence to the contrary comes to the fore.

To speculate and rationalise is fine IMO Reyter but you present yourself as some kind of Nostradamus, ranting in absolutes and so far, failing to put forward what I reckon is a considered and cogent argument.


What value is that exactly?

If you're suggesting hooker, we have Fien or King to fill that bench role. Most sides who are serious about winning a comp wouldn't be carrying a hooker and halfback on the bench.

Good point. If everyone is fit, I wouldn't have Hornby in the 17 but the last few weeks when Fein and King were both out, IMO he would have been a perfect replacement. I guess he may even be a better back-up hooker than Fein but that is speculation.



  • I haven’t said that you can’t put down a cogent argument. I asked you to do so and fully expect that you can (but sadly not this time).
  • Disingenuous? I am nothing if not sincere. I challenge your arguments not you personally. I say that your assertions lack common sense. Would you say that Dragons followers, by and large would agree with what you put forward. I’d say that a representative group of supporters participate in this place and that your views on this matter are not “common” to even a reasonable minority.
  • King must have been promised? He’s rivalling Chase for invalid of the year at the moment and has been living on sick leave for longer than he would care to remember. Rumours had him on the wish list of others (that’s what managers do for a living)
  • The competition is closer than in recent memory. Origin may be survivable for teams with a lot of rep players but IMO the odds are against it and to propose as an absolute, as you do, that teams will return to form, is perhaps a bridge too far for credibility.

Price is doing better than many expected and his judgment, which incorporates the opinions of players and management should be considered as reasonable until evidence to the contrary comes to the fore.

To speculate and rationalise is fine IMO Reyter but you present yourself as some kind of Nostradamus, ranting in absolutes and so far, failing to put forward what I reckon is a considered and cogent argument.

  • I have put this forward several times. The only point anyone comes back with is that Hornby shouldn't be dropped because of how long he has been in the team and because he is captain, not because of his form or his ability as a halfback.
Of course all I have said is to give the new combo of Stanley and Soward a chance. It's possible one or both will bomb out. No need for Hornby to be pushed into retirement immediately as Bennett did to Langer at Brisbane.

Basically what my argument comes down to is this:

  • Does any believe the team as it is now can win the competition this year?
  • Are Soward and/or Hornby good ball players who can take the ball to the line and pass rather than run themselves or pass well before the opposition defensive line?
I think the answers for at least 90% of Dragons fans are "No" and "No". 100% for non-Dragons fans.

If the answers are "no" and "no", why not try something else? Stanley excelled at 5/8 in the juniors and in his one game there for St George in the top grade. The Dragons already have one of the oldest, if not the oldest, if not the oldest my some margin, team in the competition. I think they should give it a try. Why not? I don't think anyone expected Morris to be such a good fullback but they gave it a try and look what happened. Even if the whole thing goes belly-up, at the least they know it won't work for the future. At present they will be pushed into a Sandow-like deal before seasons end without ever knowing if the solution to the Dragons play-making problems was right in front of them as it was for the fullback problem.

  • I'm sure King wishes he didn't get a season-ending injury before last season even began and then break his thumb at the beginning of this season but it happens. I think the less said about your stupid comment in regard to this the better.
  • The competition is close but again, do you think the Dragons team as it has been for the last few weeks and including Cooper is capable of winning the competition? If Soward and Hornby stay in the halves all season, I doubt the Dragons will make the 8. They certainly won't win the competition. To score 0 against the Sharks and then only 12 against Newcastle despite dominating them should alert real Dragons fans, fans who put the team above any individual, to some huge problems.

Father Ted

First Grade
should alert real Dragons fans, fans who put the team above any individual, to some huge problems.

The real dragons fans arguement ..... That trains never late :roll:


The real dragons fans arguement ..... That trains never late :roll:

I don't know how else to describe it. "Let's not rock the boat and be content to be mediocre not only this season but possibly next as well." Is that a "real fan" or a fan..... who doesn't want to rock the boat and is content to be mediocre?

Father Ted

First Grade
I'm happy to rock to boat myself when needed , but saying those who disagree with you are not real fans is unfair.


Assistant Moderator
I don't know how else to describe it. "Let's not rock the boat and be content to be mediocre not only this season but possibly next as well." Is that a "real fan" or a fan..... who doesn't want to rock the boat and is content to be mediocre?
One can only wonder if you can see us down here from atop of that almighty high horse of yours.

I certainly don't accept mediocrity and have been accused of not being a 'real fan' for being critical of the club during the last run of lean years. You're as bad as those who reckoned making the top eight was a successful season - and everyone should accept it. Well the majority, many of whom post here, didn't accept it.

Father Ted, I think we're getting too polite.
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One can only wonder if you can see us down here from atop of that almighty high horse of yours.

I certainly don't accept mediocrity and have been accused of not being a 'real fan' for being critical of the club during the last run of lean years. You're as bad as those who reckoned making the top eight was a successful season - and everyone should accept it. Well the majority, many of whom post here, didn't accept it.

Father Ted, I think we're getting too polite.

Great! We are making progress. Do you think the Dragons team as it has been since the start of this season ca win the competition? If not, what would you be in favor of trying insofar as selections.


Assistant Moderator
Well of course "you want" them to win but do you think they "can win"?
I back us to win. Can't you read?

And I don't call us 'them' or 'they'. But a real supporter like yourself already knows that.

That's your first noticeable slip up. Shame, given all the trouble you've gone to.

Father Ted

First Grade
Father Ted, I think we're getting too polite.

I try to treat fellow dragons as family , and you know what they say. You can pick your friends but not your family. Give this one his due he believes what he says even if it's wrong. Whereas I suspect Devout Dragon is a Parramatta troll.


I back us to win. Can't you read?

And I don't call us 'them' or 'they'. But a real supporter like yourself already knows that.

That's your first noticeable slip up. Shame, given all the trouble you've gone to.

I am a supporter, not part of the team.

I "back us" to win is very vague. So you do think the team as it has been so far this season after the bold move, what many would have previously called "an untried gamble" to put Morris at fullback can win the competition this year?

Godz Illa

The Hornby discussion is as futile as ever. He is not going to be dropped, and nor should he. His output from a purely performance aspect is fine, coupled with the intangible leadership, direction qualities he brings to the team as captain. Not going to happen.

Reyter said:
  • Does any believe the team as it is now can win the competition this year?
  • Are Soward and/or Hornby good ball players who can take the ball to the line and pass rather than run themselves or pass well before the opposition defensive line?
I think the answers for at least 90% of Dragons fans are "No" and "No". 100% for non-Dragons fans.
lol answering on behalf of 100% of Dragons fans. Hubris, or something worse?


From what I have seen of all 16 teams so far this season.....I don't think we will win it, because Storm are unbeatable at the moment. Nothing to do with who is in our 6 and 7 jumpers. Our current halves pairing is better than at least half of the other 15 teams. I don't have a crystal ball like you, Reyter, that shows us capable of winning the comp with Soward and Kyle in the halves.

Having said that, I think we can win the comp this year with our current team....Storm could lose form over the next 4 and a half months, cop a few injuries to key personel etc. We are as much a chance as any other team.


I am a supporter, not part of the team.

I "back us" to win is very vague. So you do think the team as it has been so far this season after the bold move, what many would have previously called "an untried gamble" to put Morris at fullback can win the competition this year?

Even if you have a point regarding the halves (not saying I necessarily agree), you are not going to get anywhere on this forum because you have ambushed just about every thread on the server with the same argument. Price picks the team, not the forum. You can argue until the cows come home and it won't make any difference. You would have been better off starting one thread titled "drop Hornby" and state your opinion and let others have their say, then leave it at that. Instead it has just been a barrage of Hornby hate for the last week in every thread. Now we have Devout Dragon starting on Soward; it is getting out of hand.

You do not strike me as a troll or someone with little or no intelligence and your posts are quite coherent, so do yourself some justice and move onto another topic. I am sure you have other things to say.
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Good point. If everyone is fit, I wouldn't have Hornby in the 17 but the last few weeks when Fein and King were both out, IMO he would have been a perfect replacement. I guess he may even be a better back-up hooker than Fein but that is speculation.

Good point? I thought you had all the answers.

And whose 'your' captain again?
Even if you have a point regarding the halves (not saying I necessarily agree), you are not going to get anywhere on this forum because you have ambushed just about every thread on the server with the same argument. Price picks the team, not the forum. You can argue until the cows come home and it won't make any difference. You would have been better off starting one thread titled "drop Hornby" and state your opinion and let others have their say, then leave it at that. Instead it has just been a barrage of Hornby hate for the last week in every thread. Now we have Devout Dragon starting on Soward; it is getting out of hand.

You do not strike me as a troll or someone with little or no intelligence and your posts are quite coherent, so do yourself some justice and move onto another topic. I am sure you have other things to say.

The cows are already tucked into bed and sleeping soundly. Yet his rants continue. If it's not trolling then it's the next worse thing to it.

I enjoy this forum for its variety and its clever and informative posts. But when you strike people who have only one point to make and beat it to death, it is switch off time for me.