Gilbert is a powder puff. He's a girl. He's got a girls bike with those streamers coming out of the handle bars. I've seen it.
TK is a prime poster boy for a "bring back mob justice" campaign.
Webster is hit and miss, but like Gilbert. A hack with some sort of sense of entitlement. Cop the tipyou fat merkin - we're entitled to better from the rags.
Who else is on it? They're all merkins too.
Used to be the best lead in on a Sunday morning - Footy Show, Roast, Boots 'n' All - Pub - Footy. Now its shit.
Vossy was a bit of a wanker,but he was a wanker with an opinion he wasn't afraid to voice. Gilbert is a fairy puppet with a girls bike.
f**k you Nein.