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The Bug!

The Colonel

Natalie's Daddy said:
With more players there the chances of getting more players fit would have increased.

Maybe. Could have also increased the chances of them getting sick......
Natalie's Daddy said:
With more players there the chances of getting more players fit would have increased.

So you would have flown up the entire 25 man Squad plus the rest of the premier league to make up for the 1000-1 shot that we have a massive Viral epidemic sweep through the club between Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday ????

Thank Christ you are not running this club, We would be broke going to the away games.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Natalie's Daddy said:
With more players there the chances of getting more players fit would have increased.

not even the non-Sydney teams make a an effort to bring any more than 18 or 19 players to travel into Sydney, infact they's be lucky to have a 19th man.


hows this for an idea

we will win the comp this year, with some many crooks.

the doggies did it so can we


noosa-eel said:
Well that explains alot and it was very warm yesterday arvo, but it doesn't explain the view or lack of it i had in that northern stand, as a few others on here will know what i'm talking about. It was NOT GOOD

I could see, but sh*t i couldnt FEEL any kind of atmosphere whatsoever. The whole day was sh*t.


I know what to do. Next time someone gets sick in the team, make sure everyone else in the team wears face masks just like wacko jacko, maybe that will stop the rest of the team getting it


Mr. Fahrenheit said:
my sister, myself and my cousin have the bug :( - its a plague upon the Western Suburbs of Sydney :fist:

I have no bug... wahoooooooooo
Mabey i should have taken the trip down, i'll tell u i wouldnt have made that miss on rogers reddy did, i may have made 5-6 worse ones, but i would have made that tackle.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
MarkInTheStands said:
So you would have flown up the entire 25 man Squad plus the rest of the premier league to make up for the 1000-1 shot that we have a massive Viral epidemic sweep through the club between Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday ????

Thank Christ you are not running this club, We would be broke going to the away games.

Maybe over the top remarks is your argument style but don't let what I have actually been saying get in the way of a good comment.

Surely with premier league not having a game this weekend, 4 extra players could have accompanied the team up to the Gold Coast. I don't care if the players weren't injured or sick. For the cost of 4 plane tickets and a room, we give those guys a pat on the back for there efforts so far this year and send a message that they are close to selection if they keep putting in. It was a very rare opportunity that was missed and on this occasion it also may have been helpful. On other roadtrips the standard 18th man would suffice.

Oh and by the way I don't really care who blew up the twin towers, all I know is people died and so it is quite tasteless that you used it to make your point.


Natalie's Daddy said:
Maybe over the top remarks is your argument style but don't let what I have actually been saying get in the way of a good comment.

Surely with premier league not having a game this weekend, 4 extra players could have accompanied the team up to the Gold Coast. I don't care if the players weren't injured or sick. For the cost of 4 plane tickets and a room, we give those guys a pat on the back for there efforts so far this year and send a message that they are close to selection if they keep putting in. It was a very rare opportunity that was missed and on this occasion it also may have been helpful. On other roadtrips the standard 18th man would suffice.

Oh and by the way I don't really care who blew up the twin towers, all I know is people died and so it is quite tasteless that you used it to make your point.

Look i agree, we had a bye in PL i would have taken Inu, Paulo, Tia, Fa'aosso, and Weller. Reddy was also down there. Of those if any 4 were taken down, it would have been good. They can train with first etc.

One thing is if reddy was ill, why not play Mateo in the centres, and bring Taia to start, with Paulo off the bench. Makes sence to me. Don't think it would have changes the result to much though.

Stagger eel

Staff member
caylo said:
Look i agree, we had a bye in PL i would have taken Inu, Paulo, Tia, Fa'aosso, and Weller. Reddy was also down there. Of those if any 4 were taken down, it would have been good. They can train with first etc.

One thing is if reddy was ill, why not play Mateo in the centres, and bring Taia to start, with Paulo off the bench. Makes sence to me. Don't think it would have changes the result to much though.

those players were training with FG up until they got on the plane on Friday evening...

forward pass

ffs - everyones getting a liitle worked up here - over f**k all !

I mean - what are the chances that half the team will get sick? It was a rare event and is unlikely to happen again for many years.

So why don't we put that performance on Sunday down to an unfortunate event which was beyond everyones control - and start looking ahead. It was unfortunate that we got dusted up and I was cursing as much as everyone. But now that I know now why it happened - I am really not too bothered about it tbh and and have put it down to one of those things !!!


Post Whore
:lol: .... this is quite possibly the nuttiest thread I have seen in my days on these forums .... seriously!

Natalie's Daddy said:
Maybe over the top remarks is your argument style but don't let what I have actually been saying get in the way of a good comment.

Maybe, but you are inferring from your comments that there was something that we could have done. 8 Players are sick. So that is 8 out of the 17 and with Junior Palo and Ben Smith you have 10 out of 19.

Basically 53% of your squad. So to cover the team and cover incase of their infection at this rate you would need. . . Another 15 players. The Top 19 went up so with 2 injured you have 4 more in the top 25 and 5 outside of that on the 2nd tier cap. Thats 9 where are you going to get the rest of the players for.

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good theory that the world can be managed with a little foresight.

Natalie's Daddy said:
Surely with premier league not having a game this weekend, 4 extra players could have accompanied the team up to the Gold Coast. I don't care if the players weren't injured or sick. For the cost of 4 plane tickets and a room, we give those guys a pat on the back for there efforts so far this year and send a message that they are close to selection if they keep putting in. It was a very rare opportunity that was missed and on this occasion it also may have been helpful. On other roadtrips the standard 18th man would suffice.

You take up 4 more then 2 of them get sick.

and 1 Room ???? what sort of Club are you running???? a Poor one???? The Configuration is One Room per 2 players assigned by Number (Burt and Hayne) , Coach and Captain get single rooms to themselves. I don't even think you could find a room at the Crown that could sleep 4 unless it was one of the nice Uber Suites.

Natalie's Daddy said:
Oh and by the way I don't really care who blew up the twin towers, all I know is people died and so it is quite tasteless that you used it to make your point.

I wasn't using their deaths to make a point, I was using a conspiracy theory that is generally refuted, to compare yours with. It might have been a long bow to draw, but you got the point. Or maybe not from this comment.


strider said:
:lol: .... this is quite possibly the nuttiest thread I have seen in my days on these forums .... seriously!


well you just need to look to whom started it.

i love it over 100 posts in the 1st few hours and now over 2000 view


OMG!! Some of you ppl really frustrate me and to those of you, Matt Petersen says "Hi, come and support the Titans". Sure at the game I was embarrassed as hell at our performance. Thats before i saw the boys after the game and realised how sick they were. To those bitching that more Prems boys should have been taken up, which part of the fact that majority of the boys came down with the bug ON THE DAY are you not gettting?? I mean it didnt even hit Timmy til during the game.

For mine, those boys showed great courage yesterday. And instead of bringing disgrace to our Jersey as Scotty Eel mentioned I think they did the opposite. How much more would you be whinging if they had of forfeited the game? They did what was best for the fans who had payed their money to watch a game (and hopefully done their best spreading the bug to the Titans team, who will in turn spread it onto the next team ;-) ).

Next time one of you gooses are sick I hope someone is pressuring you guys to still give 110% at your jobs and that no one listens to your "feeble" excuses. Just proves Footy players are still human. Expect for Nath Hindy who is a god damn freak, but did have the bug to a lesser extent to the others. And also from information given to me after the game, some of our coaching staff had it as well.

There is probably only one player out there yesterday who didnt have the bug as an excuse (as far as I am aware of). But I will not start the crusade on him just now.

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