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The Bug!


Nikki said:
OMG!! Some of you ppl really frustrate me and to those of you, Matt Petersen says "Hi, come and support the Titans". Sure at the game I was embarrassed as hell at our performance. Thats before i saw the boys after the game and realised how sick they were. To those bitching that more Prems boys should have been taken up, which part of the fact that majority of the boys came down with the bug ON THE DAY are you not gettting?? I mean it didnt even hit Timmy til during the game.

For mine, those boys showed great courage yesterday. And instead of bringing disgrace to our Jersey as Scotty Eel mentioned I think they did the opposite. How much more would you be whinging if they had of forfeited the game? They did what was best for the fans who had payed their money to watch a game (and hopefully done their best spreading the bug to the Titans team, who will in turn spread it onto the next team ;-) ).

Next time one of you gooses are sick I hope someone is pressuring you guys to still give 110% at your jobs and that no one listens to your "feeble" excuses. Just proves Footy players are still human. Expect for Nath Hindy who is a god damn freak, but did have the bug to a lesser extent to the others. And also from information given to me after the game, some of our coaching staff had it as well.

There is probably only one player out there yesterday who didnt have the bug as an excuse (as far as I am aware of). But I will not start the crusade on him just now.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Well said!!!

Parra Guru

Nikki said:
For mine, those boys showed great courage yesterday. And instead of bringing disgrace to our Jersey as Scotty Eel mentioned I think they did the opposite. How much more would you be whinging if they had of forfeited the game? They did what was best for the fans who had payed their money to watch a game (and hopefully done their best spreading the bug to the Titans team, who will in turn spread it onto the next team ;-) ).

Bloody Oath :clap:


EelGirl said:
Strange Finch didn't get the bug

:lol: :lol: Read my last line ;-)

TBH tho, I think it was playing on the minds of those that werent sick as well. Like if maybe they were feeling a lil off they may have been panicking that they had the bug.

Mr. Fahrenheit

i tend to agree Nikki... just one thing that confused me, why wasnt Inu called in? did he have the Bug as well? or was it too difficult to fly him up?


Staff member
strider said:
:lol: .... this is quite possibly the nuttiest thread I have seen in my days on these forums .... seriously!


stick around


Mr. Fahrenheit said:
i tend to agree Nikki... just one thing that confused me, why wasnt Inu called in? did he have the Bug as well? or was it too difficult to fly him up?

I think they went with the fact that Reddy was already up there visitin his Brother. But cant answer that one 100%. (Plus Im glad they didnt expose him to "The Bug"). *Thinks is sounds just like "The Formula" on those yoghurt ads :lol: *


Post Whore
I was annoyed - until some of you guys here pointed out that they were sick. And then I thought to myself, "I remember being in that position, and it sucks." Being so sick that every time you move, you feel as though your muscles will fail...It's not good.

After it was revealed that they were quite ill, I swelled up with pride and gratitude. Yes, we got hammered. But for the lads to go out there, bust their arses off and possibly harm their health even further just to do the right things by the fans...Well, it really shows the character of the team as a whole.

I guess I'm just slightly puzzled why some of our stars weren't rested this weekend as a precaution just in case. I know - some will argue about the 2 points; that's not my concern here. I believe that, had we taken a precaution and rested guys like Cayless, Hindmarsh, Cannings and some of our key players who might fall ill, we have gotten thrashed on the scoreboard, but those guys I just mentioned would have their health - a far more important deal than the 2 points.

Anyway - I applaud the boys and I sympathise with Mich for being put in a very tough position and doing the best he can. Love you, boys. For life.


Eelementary said:
I was annoyed - until some of you guys here pointed out that they were sick. And then I thought to myself, "I remember being in that position, and it sucks." Being so sick that every time you move, you feel as though your muscles will fail...It's not good.

After it was revealed that they were quite ill, I swelled up with pride and gratitude. Yes, we got hammered. But for the lads to go out there, bust their arses off and possibly harm their health even further just to do the right things by the fans...Well, it really shows the character of the team as a whole.

I guess I'm just slightly puzzled why some of our stars weren't rested this weekend as a precaution just in case. I know - some will argue about the 2 points; that's not my concern here. I believe that, had we taken a precaution and rested guys like Cayless, Hindmarsh, Cannings and some of our key players who might fall ill, we have gotten thrashed on the scoreboard, but those guys I just mentioned would have their health - a far more important deal than the 2 points.

Anyway - I applaud the boys and I sympathise with Mich for being put in a very tough position and doing the best he can. Love you, boys. For life.
i would rather we sent a team out like



This team would prob get smashed worse, but it would look after the health of the players which is the most important thing. When players are ill, their resting heart rate will increase already, this will lead to you body releasing Adrenalin and Noradrenalin, which also causes the veins to constrict. Increase in activity could quiet easly lead to a heart attack. Im not surpised timmy pulled out halfway through the game, he would have had a bad headace. I'm intrested as to what Mr Johnston gave the players? The treatment could have also added to the drousyness of the players.

B-Tron 3000

MarkInTheStands said:
The Configuration is One Room per 2 players assigned by Number (Burt and Hayne)

This is weird.

If you go by that then it would be Tahu/B.Smith, then Grothe/Finch, then Timmy and Wags.

I actually see the benefit of Smith with Wags, but under BS didn't the halves shack up together?

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Maybe, but you are inferring from your comments that there was something that we could have done. 8 Players are sick. So that is 8 out of the 17 and with Junior Palo and Ben Smith you have 10 out of 19.

Basically 53% of your squad. So to cover the team and cover incase of their infection at this rate you would need. . . Another 15 players. The Top 19 went up so with 2 injured you have 4 more in the top 25 and 5 outside of that on the 2nd tier cap. Thats 9 where are you going to get the rest of the players for.

Bug aside, taking more than 1 extra player and maybe having 4 up there would not send the club bankrupt on one occasion. I am not trying to say we could have covered for those injuries, I just think we missed out on giving 4 young up and coming players an opportunity to experience a road trip and give them a pat on the back for their hard work. Forget about the percentage of sick players.

and 1 Room ???? what sort of Club are you running???? a Poor one???? The Configuration is One Room per 2 players assigned by Number (Burt and Hayne) , Coach and Captain get single rooms to themselves. I don't even think you could find a room at the Crown that could sleep 4 unless it was one of the nice Uber Suites.
I don't run the club and I don't know how the travel arrangements are handled I figured that they probably had 2 per room and it was a mistype.

MarkInTheStands said:
I wasn't using their deaths to make a point, I was using a conspiracy theory that is generally refuted, to compare yours with.

No, you were being demeaning. I know you think that you know all but maybe if you stopped and actually read what I posted you would realise that my wanting them to take a few extra players had nothing to do with the players condition and everything to do with nuturing young players.

Stagger eel

Staff member
ND would one training session between Friday night and Sunday arvo make a hell of a difference to the 4 or so travelling reserves?? I'm sorry but no club in the NRL take anymore than 2 travelling reserves [and that's pushing it] with them when travelling outside their town.
Natalie's Daddy said:
Bug aside, taking more than 1 extra player and maybe having 4 up there would not send the club bankrupt on one occasion. I am not trying to say we could have covered for those injuries, I just think we missed out on giving 4 young up and coming players an opportunity to experience a road trip and give them a pat on the back for their hard work. Forget about the percentage of sick players.

I don't run the club and I don't know how the travel arrangements are handled I figured that they probably had 2 per room and it was a mistype.

No, you were being demeaning. I know you think that you know all but maybe if you stopped and actually read what I posted you would realise that my wanting them to take a few extra players had nothing to do with the players condition and everything to do with nuturing young players.

The Problem with all of this. Is that the club has already taken the entire premier league on a Road Trip. . . . They were all in Auckland and got to experience what Big time footy is all about. But I am sure I don't know everything.