Barty I usually agree with alot of what you say but I can't quite understand your thinking on this one.
No worries SC. I'm sure we won't always agree on everything, but I'll try and explain where I was coming from on this one.
How do you know they are not likely to think through what they want for the club? Maybe the rally will be a way to get them thinking? If they hear something that doesn't make sense than maybe they will be ready to hear something that does "make sense".
By the rally's publicity flyer/article, it was positioned a a rally to "oust Dennis", not one to think through anything more complicated than that in terms of the club. I suspect now reading that Ovo may have asked how many of them had thought their desires for the club through enough to do something about achieving it, he got an indication of 3-4 hands ackowledging they had become members. Whether the remaining 22 decided or were convinced to look into joining and follow through we won't know - but it they do then that is Ovo's doing, not the rally or its organiser.
What do you mean by "the club" should be doing more? Do you mean the Football Club? The Leagues Club? The NRL Club? Why would they want that?
Yes, yes and yes. Bascally I think any organisation (club, union, council/government, whatever) becomes stronger/better by promoting a real interaction and participation by its members. An organisation ready to do that will then reap benefits simply through sheer weight of scale if it seeks a broader, increasing membership over time.
The football club, the leagues club, our NRL team club/board thing - directors and management in general can all do more imo in terms of engaging fans/members on a regular basis, promoting possible membership options and then seeking those members opinion and favour - and drawing on their skills, talents, passion and expertise - the whole year round, not just making an effort when under pressure.
If it is a numbers game -why not these people?
My point is more that Hellsy and helpers have been the ones doing this over recent years with no support from the club, and the club not even realising what a trememdous resource for the future that has been created here. I think the suggestion was that Hellsy go and recruit at the rally, and I personally didn't think this rally where (assuming from the promotion) people participating would be interested in a very simplified goal (that in reality sits outside of the realm of memberships and elections) would be the best source of recruiting people willing to go deeper into things or participate in an ongoing basis.
Anyway, it looks like Ovo on behalf of the club(s) got down there and told the 22 ralliers who perhaps didin't know how they can take part in the running of the club, so that's a start - presuming a few of those 22 might be inclined to follow through something a lot different to simply turning up for a carpark rally.