Let them get the bid together first and for the dickhead that mentioned no support as he is cleaning up his parents house get a f**king life. Dont you think people have better things to worry about at the moment in a couple of months time im sure their focus may have shifted.
Or red and black are you that scared that you need to talk down a potentional bid in a time of crisis for the city of ipswich.
You just proved how much of a wanker you truely are.
You're an idiot. Firstly I've been around Ipswich for a long time and my folks have lived near ippy since 89. Secondly, if a bid team wants to engage a community then help the community out when it needs it and I guarantee you that the community will repay them.
Thirdly I've been working my arse off since Thursday cleaning up Brisbane and Ipswich, along side locals and along side people whom like myself and family lost almost everything in this flood. Fourthly, I've been a member of the jets qrl team since 2003 and have no qualms with them. Fifthly, people came
up to me and decided to talk footy not the other way around.
Sixly, you aren't a local and you obviously don't know sh*t. You sit on your chair on the net claiming to know the go but you don't. Seventhly, I made the effort to ask about the jets bid. Have you?
8thly, give yourself an uppercut and hope you never go through what I, my family and friends an communities have gone through last week.
Talking down? No. I saw titans, broncos, lions, roar all helping out. I even saw qrl players helping out. No one from the jets bid lives in Ipswich. No one from their bid helped. I guarantee you had this happened on the cc, florimo would be the first person helping out their community.