Be careful what you wish for...
The Courier Mail did run a poll mid-1010 with the question "Would you support another side in Brisbane'. 58% said yes. Note this was a SEQ only poll.
News Ltd publications have done a few polls in the past 2 years asking 'Do you support a Central Coast Bears entry'. This went across the East Coast but mainly NSW and QLD responses (more NSW obviously but I dont have exact %). 82% said yes. Previous one was 80% or 81%.
If you asked SEQ if they wanted the Jets model iso a broader appeal 2nd side, that % would drop. If NSW people, even a small % were to vote, it would drop again.
I would be confident if you polled the RL viewing TV audience across Australia, say 55% NSW, 35% QLD, 10% rest of Australia, you would find support for the Central Coast significantly higher than that for a Jets bid. That's not to belittle a 2nd QLD bid, just pointing out that outside the Ipswich bubble, a Jets bid has limited appeal.