No they don't. You once again prove you know nothing. Metropolitan TV Ratings (5 Capital Cities) favour the AFL. Regional ratings are where the NRL make up their numbers to at least equal the AFL and usually surpass them. Docbrown can confirm this. So work needs to be done to increase metro ratings. Which bids will air in and receive ad rates from metro stations? Reds and Jets!
Any team will get coverage therefore bringing in tv revenue and with digital tv coming into play most houses around the country, regional included, will have the big channels/stations anyway. It's a flawed arguement.
We don't need to boost major city TV numbers, they already have us as the most watched TV sport in Australia.
Any team will get coverage therefore bringing in tv revenue and with digital tv coming into play most houses around the country, regional included, will have the big channels/stations anyway. It's a flawed arguement.
Which bids will air in and receive ad rates from metro stations? Reds and Jets!
How will Ipswich (RL heartland) increase FTA numbers in major cities? bear in mind Brisbane/Titans/Cowboys always have one FTA game sewn up each weekend.
Looking forward to something apart from biased opinion, or rhetoricical statments.
Wrong. NRL is the most watched sport in Australia because of regional TV ratings. The AFL is the most watched sport in metro areas, because they have teams in all 5 of the catchment areas. Which bid teams will increase metro ratings? Reds and Jets!
You do realise that regional advertising cost much, much less for companies than capital city advertising?
How do you think local businesses get airplay in prime time on WIN, PRIME or Southern Cross?
It is 1 reason why the AFL was able to convince TV networks to pay them more $$$. Because their competition is predominantly capital based where the NRL is capital and regionally based.
Edit: Also BDGS the NRL has not outrated the AFL over the 5 capital city's since I can remember. Regionals save our ass.
The reason 9 puts on Broncos/Cowboys/Titans games regularly is because they do boost the overall capital city numbers. There is a very real drop off in Queensland viewers when only NSW teams feature, which is why at least one out of the 4 Friday teams features a QLD side. Compare this to Brisbane ratings when 2 NSW teams feature on a Sunday.
The advantage the NRL has over AFL is that it can potentially have two double header sessions on FTA that fans sit through both games - a Friday 7:30pm to 11:30pm F2A slot and from what I've advocated (and what Gallop is now pursuing and we'll likely get) a Sunday 2:00pm to 6:00pm slot.
By featuring a QLD team every Friday & Sunday (2 out of the 8 teams featured), the follow through audience (especially on the earlier Sunday afternoon slot where fatigure isn't a factor) is boosted over both games.
Currently QLD has 19% of the NRL teams and feature regularly as one of the six weekly F2A teams (about 17% representation) in one of 3 games (about 33% out of total F2A airtime).
Conversely NSW (exluding ACT) currently has 62.5% of the NRL teams and get approximately 75% F2A representation (about 4.5 out of 6 club slots) in almost all games (over 95% of total F2A airtime). As you can see NSW is well represented.
But - by introducing a 4th QLD team and by featuring 2 QLD teams in 2 out of the 4 games they would have 22% of the NRL teams, 50% representation and 50% out of the total F2A airtime. At the same time NSW would likely have about 5.5 out of 8 slots (so about a 7% dip to 69% represenation but still well above their actual make up of the competition) - BUT - at the same time they would still feature in almost all the NRL games (still over 95% of F2A airtime). Given to this that most likely there will be 3 NSW teams featured on Sunday, the overall Sydney audience will be larger than what we get with the current 2. So both QLD & NSW are boosted by a Sunday double header.
So as you can see, by introducing a 4th QLD team and 4th game, you can clearly boost their airtime without sacrificing NSW airtime and in turn boost both Brisbane metro numbers and regional QLD numbers across not only one but TWO games.
You said major city tv numbers have the NRL as the most watched sport in the country. Funny to see you backtrack once you've been caught out.
We don't need to boost major city TV numbers, they already have us as the most watched TV sport in Australia.