:lol: Nice analogy.
I'm really hoping it's not that bad. I've been looking forward to this one.
What the hell happened to Ridley Scott? He's gone off the boil a bit.
Look, the story is made for Hollywood, however, it drags on, some of the make up is atrocious (especially on Edgerton), the writing for Edgerton's character is pathetic and doesn't really build up his character as a man who hates Moses, but one who is saddened for him, until the scene where he randomly asks for Moses and his family to be killed. It seemed almost like whimsical folly.
"Oh my dearly beloved Moses, what has happened? Anyways, can someone kill him and his family please? Sweet"
It just dragged on and on and on and it gave you too much time to focus on the little intricacies that you'd normally miss if the story hadn't have dragged on and on and on.
You just get the impression too that the role of Moses was created for Russell Crowe, full of stale, unemotive acting (bar one scene full of contrived overacting when he tells his wife he saw God). It seems Ridley Scott has thought "hmm, biblical story, needs to be epic and long." and then proceeded to try and drag it out as long as possible for it to be called a Biblical Epic.
For me it turned out to be a wank. With a cheeses grater.
You don't why you've persisted but you figure something good will happen in the end. And then nothing.