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Who believes that RL can be the number 1 sport in the world?


Enjoy yourself until your next ban from here.

What do you think of my post?

Do you agree or what. I see you have an interest in french RL, do you think it will benefit the game greatly to be playing 6 tests a year against top 3 opposition?


Also what is your opinion on the international game. Are you in favour of a smaller more reliable and more credible international schedule like I am advocating or are you a favour of the current musical chairs model?


What do you think of my post?

Do you agree or what. I see you have an interest in french RL, do you think it will benefit the game greatly to be playing 6 tests a year against top 3 opposition?

I have no opinion on your nonsense.
I've been reading this forum with much interest for a while now. Im yet to comment much because I cant add much value to the discussions at this stage.

The last few threads have gotten me inspired to say something...Particularly the new commission, the TV rights and membership (Fight club has been entertaining for the perspective of other codes supporters... and their dribble)

RL is at its lowest point right now in terms of money, supporters & participation as a lot of people would have you believe. Yet to those that follow the sport closely we would say that we are on the cusp of a ground breaking period of revenue & growth...

For all those that know the game intimately, RL has been through a lot... a hell of a lot. We have been through so many tough periods and always come out the other end stronger. From its inception where RL had to adapt to survive to the Super League war...

I think its important that those that believe in the history & future of RL have a responsibility to re-invest in the game and make sure that we encourgae everyone to do the most that they can. Including the following;
  • Watch only TV networks that show RL
  • Buy NRL supported products where possible
  • Participate in Market Reasearch (you get paid anyway...)
  • Become a member of your club (in any format)
  • Go to the games
  • Talk about RL to colleagues & friends
  • Take new people to the game

These are the positive things we can do to support our game. Lets focus on this and make it the best we can. If it comes at the cost of other codes so be it but that is not the focus.

Rugby League has frequently been called the toughest game on the planet & we all know it. Everyone on this forum has a job to do to make it the best it can be.

I look forward to seeing you all at the games... Please add to this list, lets see how we can make this sport better than it already is!

It will never be the number one game in the world.
It will most likely never even be the number 1 game in Australia.

But none of that matters as long as you go and watch a game and encourage supporters to go with you.

Doesn't matter which game is number 1. We are blessed to have a plethora of choice in this country if you don't like one so be it, choose another one or choose more then one.

Evil Homer

Staff member
The fact that this thread is dominated with people talking about the NRL and TV rights is pretty much indicative of why the sport hasn't developed internationally. Get a competent RLIF and we could easily see international activity double within just a couple of years. The people in charge have been too busy f**king about for years with things like Origin to see the bigger picture.


It will never be the number one game in the world.
It will most likely never even be the number 1 game in Australia.

But none of that matters as long as you go and watch a game and encourage supporters to go with you.

Doesn't matter which game is number 1. We are blessed to have a plethora of choice in this country if you don't like one so be it, choose another one or choose more then one.


I like that many sports are popular in Australia and played at a high level.


I have no opinion on your nonsense.

But you have an opinion on everything rl related. Could you clarify which parts in particular are nonsense? Maybe justify your criticism, or is that too much to ask for on a forum such as this one?


But you have an opinion on everything rl related. Could you clarify which parts in particular are nonsense? Maybe justify your criticism, or is that too much to ask for on a forum such as this one?

Your whole post was a f**king troll, why should I waste my time on you?


Your whole post was a f**king troll, why should I waste my time on you?

This is exactly what I mean. You just label it as a troll. It wasn't a troll at all, it was a constructive suggestion about growing rugby league.

Are you more in favour of the current eligibility rule, as well as the current international schedule (4N and specially structured world cups)?

What about development of the game, in which countries would you like to see the money spent?


I know that whatever I write parra will accuse me of trolling but here go's anyway.

I call a spade a spade, what do you call it?

I dont see the point in rugby league just trying to feed off rugby union in countries like russia, france, canada, america, italy etc.

Who says they are?

Russia has played RL for over 20 years and have players in every age group.

France has played RL since 1934, they started the first RLWC in 1954, they have made 2 RLWC finals. They also have around 70 teams that can be promoted or relegated in their League. They have a SL side that finished in the top 4 with a rebuilt stadium and there are cities and towns in France that a pure RL places where the sport dominates. Nothing to do with your Rah rah so get a clue.

Canada have played RL since the second world war on and off and at times have had their own heartland only for the other countries to never play them, invite them to WCs, tour or even give them recognition that they even play the game. Thus it has never moved forward, but now the game is moving forward.

The USA has played RL on and off for 50 years, again, what this has to do with union is beyond me.

Italy, your code had it banned 50 years ago, nuff said.

I mean really what at all does that achieve, sure you get some people playing the game and you might even be able to put out a half decent international team when you throw in the Australian mercenaries, but to me at least it just seems like a pointless exercise. When do these teams ever kick on?

Mercenaries and pointless huh, and you have the hyde to say you aren't trolling.

Well the fact that RL is a brutal sport and you need full time players to play at a high standard sort of goes against new nations coming along and joining the big boys straight away, it's not soccer where skill is all you need, there's a lot more too it.

Look at your code, who out of the countries that have played the game for at least 60 years have come along and done what you say RL hasn't or can't?

Name one.

You also need money.

And what does it acheive you ask, well so far, you have shown you have nfi where RL is played and at what level, but here's something, just the other day, a QLD cup side signed 2 guys from Hawaii, why? well because the team must think they see some value in them.

There's players from Serbia playing in France and English comps, why? because those comps see value, but you seem to think RL should give up.

I think you have ulterior motives to be perfectly honest.

I think the way forward for rl is to target countries where rugby isnt played like lebanon and serbia.

They are, but RL has the right to play the f**king game where ever it and the people want it, it's not the 1800/1900s anymore where your code can come in an influence people to ban the game or make it more or less impossible to play.

RL is played in plenty of countries Unionite, get used to it because it's growing every year, and while you're at it, get an education of where exactly it is played and how strong it is in those places before commenting on something you obviously know nothing about.

That way they can develop the game from the ground up rather than the top down.

What, like France and Russia that you posted above? :roll:

I think proper international eligibility rules are also imperative; as is a proper international season.

You don't say.

I was running it I would have a euro and pacific cup, the winner of each moves onto the a smaller more elite 6 country world cup, held every 3 years. So the international schedule would go,

A 6 team WC? :crazy:

Btw, we do have a Pac Island Cup, PNG last won it and we have a Euro cup and France just won it last month.

The winners of these tournaments when being played a year before the 4 nations qualify for the next 4 nations to be held in their hemisphere.

What you are saying would be a backwards step and take the chance these countries have of playing against the big guys away until a small WC where they would get battered.

Year 1: Aus 3 test tour of GB, NZ 3 test tour of France.

How, we can't have tours anymore since the SL changed to summer.

You want the best players to miss a 3rd of the season for their club games to tour all over the joint while the places they are touring have their club sides interrupted as well?

And if you say have it at the end of the year, how is that going to help being away for 7 weeks at least, when do players actually get to have a rest and recover or have an operation if needed?

Year 2: Euro and Pacific Cups, Aus 3 test tour france, NZ 3 test tour GB.

Again the same as above.

Plus we already have a Pac cup held out here when it's our turn for the 4 nations, the Euro cup is every year already.

Year 3: 6 team world cup

6 teams?

Who are the 6 and why should all the others not get a crack? I know why, but you will not admit it.

If other sports can have smaller cannon fodder teams learning and playing in WC's, why can't we?

Lets see, Aus, NZ, England, France, Wales and PNG, is that it?

In addition to this every year, aus would play 3 tests against nz, likewise GB would play 3 tests against france.

Australia plays NZ usually twice as it is outside 4 nations, the same with England and France.

So thats 6 tests a year for the big 4, as well as a euro and pacific cup for the minnows. You could also throw in some minnow tours in the first year of the cycle but its all dependent on funding.

And where does this funding come from?

Who pays and who compensates the clubs for injuries to star players and the loss of players travelling the world, or 6 f**king nations?

I think the basis of a credible international competition is there, but the ego's of those in charge will mean leagues potential will never be reached and instead league will try and copy soccer and union, in a less effective and less popular manner.

The 4 Nations is the step in the right direction, the next step is putting in another full time member when one of either France, Wales or PNG steps up to make a 5 nations with the same format as now where the next best in whatever hemisphere it is played can have a crack at the top 4.

Embrace change and a different way forward and I'm sure their will be credible growth.

Among 6 nations only and not to be played where RU is and someone somewhere will pay for it? :lol::crazy:


The fact that this thread is dominated with people talking about the NRL and TV rights is pretty much indicative of why the sport hasn't developed internationally. Get a competent RLIF and we could easily see international activity double within just a couple of years. The people in charge have been too busy f**king about for years with things like Origin to see the bigger picture.

Funny thing is FIFA is the worst run, most corrupt sporting organisation on the planet, and yet that hasn't hindered the sport one iota.

Im also sick of seeing this "affirmative action" bullshit of lets weaken Origin to try to strengthen something else.

Why not leave Origin as it is, and try to raise the International game to that level.

League strengths in Australia are the best club rugby competition in the world and State of Origin. Those strengths should be leveraged off to raise everything else, not weakened.


WAPAU said:
I dont see the point in rugby league just trying to feed off rugby union in countries like russia, france, canada, america, italy etc.

There's a nice new thread I just started in the international section showing where Union is using and sponging off Rugby League in Lebanon.

Would your feelings of this be the reverse of your feelings on RL doing that supposedly to Union?


Funny thing is FIFA is the worst run, most corrupt sporting organisation on the planet, and yet that hasn't hindered the sport one iota.

Im also sick of seeing this "affirmative action" bullshit of lets weaken Origin to try to strengthen something else.

Why not leave Origin as it is, and try to raise the International game to that level.

League strengths in Australia are the best club rugby competition in the world and State of Origin. Those strengths should be leveraged off to raise everything else, not weakened.

I wouldn't argue that we should weaken origin to strengthen the international code... but there are certainly some eligibility rules at origin that are hurting the ability of some international teams of forming a competitive side.


Overtake RU?!:eek:

Ain't going to happen within the next 50 years.

You are forgetting the growth in RU since it went Pro just 16 years ago. Comps like the Super 15 and the Heineken Cup are at their infancy and look how popular they already are. They have done a great job in getting Pro Club comps off the ground to augment their International profile which was always big when ameteur. They are expanding into places like Russia and Georgia in a major way. Argentina have joined the top table of International teams in terms of their standard of play, not just now they are joining with SANZAR. Rugby is growing at a serious rate, far outstripping the growth of League let's be honest.

The NFL is a great product and needs more exposure. I'm all for expansion and they've made great choices so far, don't get greedy though and make silly choices which will threaten it. Super League is dire and needs radical improvements which hopefully are on stream.


Overtake RU?!:eek:

Ain't going to happen within the next 50 years.

You are forgetting the growth in RU since it went Pro just 16 years ago. Comps like the Super 15 and the Heineken Cup are at their infancy and look how popular they already are. They have done a great job in getting Pro Club comps off the ground to augment their International profile which was always big when ameteur. They are expanding into places like Russia and Georgia in a major way. Argentina have joined the top table of International teams in terms of their standard of play, not just now they are joining with SANZAR. Rugby is growing at a serious rate, far outstripping the growth of League let's be honest.


thats largely true.. but Union had a major growth spurt primarily triggered by the re-addmittance of South Africa in the early 1990's and more or less simulteanously the introduction of proffessionalism....thanks to that it has ridden a wave economically and profile-wise for about 15 years: history may well note that this turns out to be a short term thing that petered out "within a couple of decades" (as indeed it seems to be now) Theres no reason at all why a really good world cup or similar series of event could not create a similar vibe for League and propell it forward in the international publics imagination within a similar time frame. Union was in the right place at the right time; arguably thats where we could be some time in the next few years.
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Argentina have joined the top table of International teams in terms of their standard of play, not just now they are joining with SANZAR. Rugby is growing at a serious rate, far outstripping the growth of League let's be honest.

Not in Australia though, the expansion of the Super Rugby teams has weakened all clubs involved.

Argentina has yet to demonstrate anything in the 4 nations though, other than the 2007 RWC they have been a minnow or second tier nation at best. What if they end up losing every 4 nations game by 50+ in the next 4 years.

I don't think anyone serioulsy thinks League is going to be bigger than Union worldwide though, but why do we have to be? Lets concentrate on our strengths and work on the other stuff along the way.


First Grade

I like that many sports are popular in Australia and played at a high level.

I don't as I would rather see Australia play that Hybrid Universal Football or the Aussie Rules lot split themselves between Rugby League,Rugby Union and Soccer(f**k even Basketball).

Same with the Irish and wasting there time with GAA (both Hurling and Football)rather see that lot playing Soccer,Rugby Union and even Cricket.

Same the Canadians as I rather see the CFL lot play there root's being Rugby Union or go over to NFL or maybe both.


Not in Australia though, the expansion of the Super Rugby teams has weakened all clubs involved.

Argentina has yet to demonstrate anything in the 4 nations though, other than the 2007 RWC they have been a minnow or second tier nation at best. What if they end up losing every 4 nations game by 50+ in the next 4 years.

I don't think anyone serioulsy thinks League is going to be bigger than Union worldwide though, but why do we have to be? Lets concentrate on our strengths and work on the other stuff along the way.

Eh Argentina got to the QFinals in 1999 and nearly did again in 2003. They've been a top 8 team for the past 15 years. They have players at the top level in France (in particular) and my own team Leinster. Considering they have had virtually no control over their players and haven't had access to a 6 Nations/Tri Nations, their performances are remarkable. They are certainly better than Scotland and tbf if they had anything close to the access that our Union have to resources, they'd be better than ourselves all the time (they've been better than us for a quite a period between 99 and now tbf).

What is the previous poster talking about Re: South Africa. Just because they were excluded until 1995 doesn't mean Rugby suddenly had huge growth, if anything Rugby is slightly less popular there now that a lot of the whites have left. To be fair SARU are doing excellent work in spreading their wings in that country so the game will be very stable there for years to come.

The point about a 'crest of a wave' is nonsense. The simple fact is that since 1987 with the World Cup and 1995 with Professionalism, Rugby have only starting tapping their own potential. We didn't have a Heineken Cup 15 years ago and now it's absolutely huge here.

Maybe in Australia it's true. Oz were always going to struggle once they hit a speedbump with their player production line as SA and NZ don't have those kind of issues. Rugby certainly rode a wave in Australia, throughout the rest of the world though I don't think so...

I agree with your last point. League doesn't have to be as big as Union and those who constantly look at Union and bitch are pathetic. The NRL is an incredible product. A major pity is the time zones and viewing in Europe. We're stuck with the bloody Super League.


thats largely true.. but Union had a major growth spurt primarily triggered by the re-addmittance of South Africa in the early 1990's and more or less simulteanously the introduction of proffessionalism....thanks to that it has ridden a wave economically and profile-wise for about 15 years: history may well note that this turns out to be a short term thing that petered out "within a couple of decades" (as indeed it seems to be now) Theres no reason at all why a really good world cup or similar series of event could not create a similar vibe for League and propell it forward in the international publics imagination within a similar time frame. Union was in the right place at the right time; arguably thats where we could be some time in the next few years.

One thing I will say that if Rugby hadn't gone pro in 1995 that its likely it wouldn't exist in the current form at this stage. The Rugby Circus thing would have certainly happened and structure of the IRB down to National Unions would be decimated. RU had to go pro when it did. Every year they waited cost them. We saw an explosion in TV's influence on sport in the 90s.


Eh Argentina got to the QFinals in 1999 and nearly did again in 2003. They've been a top 8 team for the past 15 years. They have players at the top level in France (in particular) and my own team Leinster. Considering they have had virtually no control over their players and haven't had access to a 6 Nations/Tri Nations, their performances are remarkable. They are certainly better than Scotland and tbf if they had anything close to the access that our Union have to resources, they'd be better than ourselves all the time (they've been better than us for a quite a period between 99 and now tbf).


I think your making some decent points there mate, but youve got a bit of a blind spot when it comes to the Argies.

Nearly made it? and Top 8? Top 8 side in Rugby Union isn't really anything. Iceland and Ivory Coast has some top players in the English Soccer, doesn't make them a world power
There's only really about 5 nations that are consistently decent.

Wales are a top 4 side in Rugby League for example.