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Your NSW Game 2 Lineups?


Pearce is better and has always been better than Mullen and Wallace...Wallace had the privelage of playing next to Lockyer and Mullen had Andrew Johns telling anyone who would listen that he is the next Andrew Johns.


indeed, Mullen isn't even remotely in the picture given his current form. he's going backwards at a rate of knots... and as a knights fan it kills me a little inside to see it happen.

i think he's going to be one of those blokes that almost made it, and always had the talent... but won't live up to it.
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Jason Maher

I would not complain too loudly if Wallace and Campese were given another go, but for me Sutton and Pearce is the superior combination. I don't know why everyone other than Broncos fans and myself think Wallace is rubbish and is only made to look good by Lockyer. For me the most telling evidence is how the Broncos drilled us in the finals with Wallace at half, and then got drilled themselves by Melbourne the following week with Wallace out injured.

Anyway, I've changed my mind from the lineup I named just after the first game:

1. Jarryd Hayne
2. Brett Morris
3. Matt Cooper
4. Josh Morris
5. Timana Tahu
6. John Sutton
7. Mitchell Pearce
13. Paul Gallen
12. Ben Creagh
11. Anthony Watmough
10. Michael Weyman
9. Michael Ennis (c)
8. Luke Douglas

14. Luke Lewis
15. Trent Waterhouse
16. Tom Learoyd-Lahrs
17. Kade Snowden
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Big Pete

I don't know why everyone other than Broncos fans and myself think Wallace is rubbish and is only made to look good by Lockyer. For me the most telling evidence is how the Broncos drilled us in the finals with Wallace at half, and then got drilled themselves by Melbourne the following week with Wallace out injured.

It was more telling in 2008 when Darren was something of a phantom and again in City/Country 2009 where Wallace put together his best performance...without Lockyer.

But that's a good example too. Wallace was really hitting his straps in that finals series and when he went down morale did too.
Taking all selection issues into account, this is the side I would like named:

1. Jarryd Hayne
2. Brett Morris
3. Jamie Lyon
4. Josh Morris
5. Timana Tahu
6. Kurt Gidley
7. Mitchell Pearce
8. Michael Weyman
9. Michael Ennis
10. Kade Snowden
11. Anthony Watmough
12. Paul Gallen
13. Luke Lewis

14. John Sutton
15. Trent Waterhouse
16. Tom Learoyd Lahrs
17. Luke Douglas

This would be my ideal NSW side:

1. Jarryd Hayne
2. Brett Morris
3. Jamie Lyon
4. Josh Morris/Michael Jennings
5. Chris Lawrence
6. John Sutton
7. Mitchell Pearce
8. Michael Weyman
9. Michael Ennis
10. Kade Snowden
11. Luke O'Donnell
12. Paul Gallen
13. Greg Bird

14. Luke Lewis
15. Luke Douglas
16. Tom Learoyd Lahrs
17. Anthony Watmough
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First Grade
Watmog is an 80 minute player who has been NSW's best forward in three straight SOO games -- don't put him on the bench.


First Grade
1. jarrod hayne
2. brett morris
3. michael jennings
4. jamie lyon
5. blake ferguson
6. trent barret
7. brett kimmorley
8. kade snowden
9. michael ennis
10.michael weyman
11.greg bird
12. anthony watmough
13.paul gallen

14.robbie farah
15.anthony tupou
16.brett white


lol...how mediocre is Fergo...got some decent press off the back of a decent game in an exhibition and people have actually considered him for NSW


Pearce is a must. Carney not so much, hasn't impressed me to much, especially when he was given the shot of playing in the halves in country origin and for roosters. I would like to see a pearce/barrett origin combo for game 2.

Throw brett and josh Morris on one side of the field. Have someone who can defend on the other, lyon or even beau scott. At least we won't leek all the usual tries there with scott.


ok... given everything i've said in other threads over this issue... this is the team i would name for game 2, trying desperately to minimize changes whilst fixing the most glaring cockups in the team.

1. Hayne
2. Morris
3. Tahu
4. Cooper
5. Monaghan
6. Gidley (c)
7. Pearce (gets in on the "screaming for selection" criteria.. would have been picked game 1)
8. Weyman
9. Ennis
10. White - this series is his last chance... go out there and knock someone out.
11. Watmough
12. Gallen
13. Bird

14. Snowden
15. TLL
16. Waterhouse
17. Lewis

clearly it isn't possible to fix this team without wholesale changes... but the number of changes is made to look a lot worse because of the Lyon injury.

Creagh and Perry are both out, because they are both massive soft c**ks. Snowden and Gallen come in to replace them. 2 hard merkins with a lot of aggression in their game.

Bird in the squad for Idris. i don't think this needs any justification. Re-unite the bash brothers... and Idris was the biggest cockup of the lot in game 1.

Pearce gets in because he is genuinely bashing the door down for selection compared with our other half options, and he would have strolled into the #7 for game 1 if not injured.

Monaghan comes in to replace Lyon due to injury. the shuffle is obvious, and i think this is the way the selectors will go to keep Captain Kurt in the team.

so, i think that's 5 changes total with 1 forced due to injury. if Lyon wasn't injured i would shift him to the centres and push Tahu to the wing instead of bringing Monas in. this is pretty much critical mass as far as changes to a rep squad go for mine. stick with the team for the next 2 games and then implement a whole other bunch of changes in the origin "off season" that need to happen before we can really move forward... those primarily being coaching staff and selectors. this would be my gameplan moving forward.

one thing i will say about Gidley in the halves - you can't blame him for "getting in the halves way"... and his uber-involvement seems a lot less forced. his kicking game frightens me, though. it's a gamble i would take for the rest of this series. he certainly won't go invisible like a lot of our halves in the past few years have.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Ennis showed that when his forwards are being dominated, he has absolutely nothing to offer, furthermore, he doesn't even try to do anything to try and get them going forward.

Farah's performance last year looked bad because he had a sh*thouse pack around him being dominated all night long. A different and better pack in game 3 helped make Ennis look good.

1 - Hayne
2 - B.Morris
3 - Tahu
4 - Lawrence
5 - J.Morris
6 - Gidley (c)
7 - Pearce
8 - Snowden
9 - Farah
10 - Galloway
11 - Watmough
12 - Lewis
13 - Gallen

14 - Bird
15 - Weyman
16 - Waterhouse
17 - Hindmarsh

Fast creative backs who are also defensively solid, Gidley would be much better suited in the halves, Pearce is a good organiser, Farah can look after the direction of the forwards, leaving Gidley free to roam, which is what he does best really.

Farah won't be selected to be the prime playmaker in this case, which would suit him better at this level.

Decent props who have been solid performers all season so far, not just having the odd good game here and there.

No backs on the bench, Bird can play in the forwards and in the backs if needed.

That side would be very dominant

Joker's Wild

Swap J.Moz and Tahu I reckon Unit

Also regarding Idris, do we really want to shatter another young player by dropping him after 1 game?

Eels Dude

1. Hayne - Our most dangerous player in attack. He should be playing in his preffered position if NSW are serious about winning
2. Tahu/ Jennings - Very dangerous combo I reckon they could be. Both are creative players and strong finishers so could switch them between wing and centre all as a creative weapon
3. Tahu/ Jennings - as above
4. Bulldog Morris - With Lyon out, he's a ready replacement after doing well last year
5. Dragon Morris - Earned his spot in the side. Such as a good finisher he could easily play wing on either side of the field
6. Campese - Shouldn't have been dropped after game 1 last year. A natural 5'8th with a terrific long boot which will be handy if NSW's forwards get smashed and kept to their own half like game 1
7. Pearce/ Carney - Edging with Pearce. Kimmorley is solid but just not creative enough in attack at the moment. If Pearce is considered the long term NSW half shove him in now.
8. Weyman - Strong in game 1, tough runs and hard to pull down
9. Ennis - Tough origin player, though Farah is more than up to the task
10. Snowden - I'm sick of the NSW selectors picking these older props who've proven nothing at origin level like White and Perry. Need to give some of the younger fellas to seek if they can rise to the task
11. Watmough - Best in our last 2 games. Picks himself
12. Waterhouse - Solid in defence and attack
13. Gallen - Gives away dumb penalties but he's tough, a great enforcer, and made for origin

14. Lewis - Can cover any position bar prop. Ultimate utlity
15. Lahrs - Played well in game 1
16. Douglas - Another strong prop at NRL level who is experienced enough now to be given a chance
17. Mannah - Playing great right now, one of the few props we have that can bend the line and get a quick play the ball. Will be a regular in a couple of years time but showing enough maturity at the moment to be given a shot.

Ike E Bear

They can't drop Idris.

I'm not a big fan, but dumping Idris after one game when the result was in no way his fault (thus encouraging selectors to retain players who did stink up the place in the name of not making too many changes) is just counter-productive.

I wouldn't have picked him for Game 1, but now that they have all they need to do is put him in the correct position - centre. Having a centre on the bench is idiocy. Learn from your mistakes, selectors!

I don't see how Tigers fans can crucify Ennis for not doing enough to save his failing forwards in Game 1 on the back-swing and then make excuses for Farah in 2009 because the forwards got dominated in the follow-through. I like Farah a lot more than I like Ennis. I think Farah is a much more skillful player all round. BUT, Farah lost his jersey and Ennis has yet to do anything that warrants it being taken off of him - making those kinds of changes is part of the problem, not the solution. Ennis tackled his arse off and then didn't have anything in the tank to kick it up a gear (thanks primarily to Cooper's injury buggering up the planned rotation). Picking a backrow that it more balanced so that Ennis doesn't have to tackle his bum off is the short-term answer, not dumping Ennis.