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Your NSW Game 2 Lineups?


First Grade
I'm with Unit on hooker .. if NSW has a forward pack with at least some teeth, Farah will play well and should be used for 80min. Ennis should be a back up hooker and no more.


Super Moderator
Staff member
They can't drop Idris.

I'm not a big fan, but dumping Idris after one game when the result was in no way his fault (thus encouraging selectors to retain players who did stink up the place in the name of not making too many changes) is just counter-productive.

I wouldn't have picked him for Game 1, but now that they have all they need to do is put him in the correct position - centre. Having a centre on the bench is idiocy. Learn from your mistakes, selectors!

I don't see how Tigers fans can crucify Ennis for not doing enough to save his failing forwards in Game 1 on the back-swing and then make excuses for Farah in 2009 because the forwards got dominated in the follow-through. I like Farah a lot more than I like Ennis. I think Farah is a much more skillful player all round. BUT, Farah lost his jersey and Ennis has yet to do anything that warrants it being taken off of him - making those kinds of changes is part of the problem, not the solution. Ennis tackled his arse off and then didn't have anything in the tank to kick it up a gear (thanks primarily to Cooper's injury buggering up the planned rotation). Picking a backrow that it more balanced so that Ennis doesn't have to tackle his bum off is the short-term answer, not dumping Ennis.
The side I listed is almost identical to that I listed for Origin 1.

I don't think Idris is ready for Origin yet. I'd have given him at least another year before bringing him in.

The side I listed is the best side NSW could pick. They would perform more as a team should, everyone is in their natural position, not reshuffled to the sh*thouse, and there are more than 1 or 2 playmakers, meaning less pressure on the key playmakers.

Furthermore, there's a forward pack which is very solid through to the bench defensively, good durability and good attacking hard running props.

If NSW could have named this team and stuck with it regardless for this and next seasons series', i reckon NSW would dominate QLD in next years origin series.

But they won't. Origin selectors seem to only be keen on players from Illawarra and Manly.

This team is capable of containing Queensland. This team would see Queensland put under some real pressure to get over the line.

Jason Maher

But they won't. Origin selectors seem to only be keen on players from Illawarra and Manly.

Yeah, I mean, why would you pick any players from the teams which are #1 and #2 on the competition table? Completely daft! :roll:

It's all the Canterbury players which are the real problem. :cool:

Spot On

Ennis showed that when his forwards are being dominated, he has absolutely nothing to offer, furthermore, he doesn't even try to do anything to try and get them going forward.

Farah's performance last year looked bad because he had a sh*thouse pack around him being dominated all night long. A different and better pack in game 3 helped make Ennis look good.

So basically they both offer very little when the pack is being dominated - as is the case for most dummy halves when that is happening.

Spot On

I don't think Idris is ready for Origin yet. I'd have given him at least another year before bringing him in.

The side I listed is the best side NSW could pick. They would perform more as a team should, everyone is in their natural position, not reshuffled to the sh*thouse, and there are more than 1 or 2 playmakers, meaning less pressure on the key playmakers.

Furthermore, there's a forward pack which is very solid through to the bench defensively, good durability and good attacking hard running props.

If NSW could have named this team and stuck with it regardless for this and next seasons series', i reckon NSW would dominate QLD in next years origin series.


Each to their own but NSW could pick a stronger line-up by simply selecting a 5/8 to play 5/8, a centre to replace that joker Tahu, and I would hope there are a couple blokes with a bit more grunt up front than Galloway and Waterhouse. Good club players that lot.


1. J. Hayne
2. B. Morris
3. M. Jennings
4. J. Idris
5. J. Morris
6. T. Barret
7. M. Pearce
8. M. Weyman
9. M. Ennis
10. T. L. Lahrs
11. A. Watmough
12. L. O'Donnell
13. P. Gallen

14. K. Gidley
15. K. Galloway
16. J. King
17. L. Lewis

That team has a mix of everything; speed, skill and aggression.

Players dropped; Cooper/Tahu (looked slow and were picked primarily for defensive reasons which seems backwards to me) Kimmorely (Didn't play too bad but really was just warming the position for Pearce) Perry/White (no go forward whatsoever) Creagh/Waterhouse (Didn't think either played too badly but both seems to lack the required mongrel and aggression)

Backs; Jennings, Idris, Barrett and Pearce come into the starting line-up. The two new centres are there partially cause of injury (Lyon) but really they will probably be the centres for years to come They can be defensive liabilities but in SoO games you pick people in these positions that can score points surely? J. Morris and C. Lawrence would certainly be somewhere in the mix for centre positions also. J. Morris comes onto the wing, having played a lot of football there and with previous rep experience. Barrett comes into the side more to help out Pearce because of his experience. Pearce will be the long-term half back for NSW. Get him in now.

Forwards; Weyman and Lahrs are the starting props. Galloway and King come into the side to replace Perry and White who were awful. Galloway hasn't played much but will probably become the best prop in the game in a few years and King deserves a crack as much as the next plodder of a prop does. The starting second row is there to niggle, piss off and in O'Donnell's case start a freaking blue if required. That second row is as aggressive as you will find. Lewis is unlucky to be on the bench again but his utility value kind of counts against him here. Either way he'd still be on of the first picked for this game.

This side will beat QLD in game 2.
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sadly, it's probably a foregone conclusion that a lot of changes will have to be made to the team... such was the poor quality of the game 1 team. i like most of the logic you've used in picking your team, Jono... particularly the aggressive back row. we need a pack like that, that will go out there and just bash the sh*t out of them. the attitude is one of the biggest things that needs to change about the team... and this might be a decent bandaid, or quick fix solution to the larger apathy of the team in general. just go out there and start a war. at least it will be entertaining.

realistically we should be looking to run out there and start a war every match we play in. it is origin, after all. the likes of creagh and perry are not warriors or soldiers.


Reading back on the team I choose I kind of glanced over how many players I'd dropped and replaced. I'm not normally one for wholesale changes, I guess my thoughts were that the team picked for Origin 1 wasn't the best team for an Origin game. Heck I dropped a couple of my Dragons (which would sit perfectly well with me :D) to pick players who appear more suited to Origin.

The sticking point will probably be picking Jennings and Idris in the centres. Jennings is less of a liability in defence (not saying much) but is a proven performer and oozes class. Playing around with other talented players can only do him the world of good. Plus I'm still sort of waiting for him to break open a club game and for everyone to remember just how good he is. Idris is there in my team because he simply can not be dropped after one game. Yes I dropped others after a game, but none of them were on debut I don't think (happy to be corrected). Idris is a raw talent who needs people to show faith in him and at his age dropping him would be a bad thing. Pick him, we know he'll let through a try or two early on, but if others such as Inglis, Slater, Folau etc are anything to go by, it will only make him better in the long run.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Chris Lawrence IMO would fit into any coaches game plan. A coaches favourite. Almost the complete skillset.

But hes not ready IMO.

Jennings was ready 2 weeks ago, too late now.

Ike E Bear

Reading back on the team I choose I kind of glanced over how many players I'd dropped and replaced. I'm not normally one for wholesale changes, I guess my thoughts were that the team picked for Origin 1 wasn't the best team for an Origin game. Heck I dropped a couple of my Dragons (which would sit perfectly well with me :D) to pick players who appear more suited to Origin.

The sticking point will probably be picking Jennings and Idris in the centres. Jennings is less of a liability in defence (not saying much) but is a proven performer and oozes class. Playing around with other talented players can only do him the world of good. Plus I'm still sort of waiting for him to break open a club game and for everyone to remember just how good he is. Idris is there in my team because he simply can not be dropped after one game. Yes I dropped others after a game, but none of them were on debut I don't think (happy to be corrected). Idris is a raw talent who needs people to show faith in him and at his age dropping him would be a bad thing. Pick him, we know he'll let through a try or two early on, but if others such as Inglis, Slater, Folau etc are anything to go by, it will only make him better in the long run.

I think almost everything you say is sensible and logical. It's not 100% the team I'd pick, but it's defensible ... I'd be happy with that.

diddi kong


1. Jarryd Hayne
2. Brett Morris
3. Josh Morris
4. Jamie Lyon
5. Jamal Idris
6. Terry Campese
7. Mitchell Pearce
8. Kade Snowden
9. Michael Ennis
10. Ben Cross
11. Anthony Watmough
12. Paul Gallen
13. Luke Lewis

14. Tom Learoyd-Lahrs
15. Michael Weyman
16. Willie Mason
17. John Sutton

diddi kong

1. J. Hayne
2. B. Morris
3. M. Jennings
4. J. Idris
5. J. Morris
6. T. Barret
7. M. Pearce
8. M. Weyman
9. M. Ennis
10. T. L. Lahrs
11. A. Watmough
12. L. O'Donnell
13. P. Gallen

14. K. Gidley
15. K. Galloway
16. J. King
17. L. Lewis

That team has a mix of everything; speed, skill and aggression.

Players dropped; Cooper/Tahu (looked slow and were picked primarily for defensive reasons which seems backwards to me) Kimmorely (Didn't play too bad but really was just warming the position for Pearce) Perry/White (no go forward whatsoever) Creagh/Waterhouse (Didn't think either played too badly but both seems to lack the required mongrel and aggression)

Backs; Jennings, Idris, Barrett and Pearce come into the starting line-up. The two new centres are there partially cause of injury (Lyon) but really they will probably be the centres for years to come They can be defensive liabilities but in SoO games you pick people in these positions that can score points surely? J. Morris and C. Lawrence would certainly be somewhere in the mix for centre positions also. J. Morris comes onto the wing, having played a lot of football there and with previous rep experience. Barrett comes into the side more to help out Pearce because of his experience. Pearce will be the long-term half back for NSW. Get him in now.

Forwards; Weyman and Lahrs are the starting props. Galloway and King come into the side to replace Perry and White who were awful. Galloway hasn't played much but will probably become the best prop in the game in a few years and King deserves a crack as much as the next plodder of a prop does. The starting second row is there to niggle, piss off and in O'Donnell's case start a freaking blue if required. That second row is as aggressive as you will find. Lewis is unlucky to be on the bench again but his utility value kind of counts against him here. Either way he'd still be on of the first picked for this game.

This side will beat QLD in game 2.

jennings is a liability in both attack and defence, lets be honest, he's not gonna run through qld, and he cant and wont pass. let the morris's combine as a centre/wing combo, could be amazing.

if you are going for agression and potential for fights, get rid of king and put in willie mason, his form has been very good.

T.L.L hasnt got the directness to start in origin as a prop. hes a better back rower. need someone like ben cross

i dunno about barrett, whilst he is proven and hasnt got much to work with i dont like picking a playmaker who's team only averages 12 points a game. but that could also be said about campese.

"This side will beat QLD in game 2"
No team fielded by NSW will beat Queensland in Queensland
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No team fielded by NSW will beat Queensland in Queensland

except for last year?, and don't mention dead rubber cause that means sh*t!

I liked your team Jono, except I would prefer Idris on the wing if anything, make him like what Folau was / is like for QLD, I think it will suite him more. Also I would chuck Snowden or Douglas in over King. But otherwise I would be very happy with that team

diddi kong

Your living in denial, it was a dead rubber, they didn't care. If that was a decider, queensland would have killed NSW
Things that must be done both for the present and the future:

1. Dugan
2. Hayne
3. Jennings
4. Idris
5. B. Morris
6. Campese
7. Pearce
8. Weyman
9. Ennis
10. (Anyone but perry, white)
11. Gallen
12. Watmough
13. Bird

14. Gidley
15. TLL
16. (anyone but perry, white)
17. Lewis

Dugan should be the FB. He is a natural fullback, unlike hayne who is suspect in defence.
Hayne needs to find a way to inject himself from the wing.

With Hayne, Morris and Jennings there are 3 exciting 3/4's. Idris' position would be lyon's if he was uninjured.
Campese and pearce should be given more than 80 mins to establish themselves as the long term halves. Their styles would complement each other.
Weyman is the only prop for mine that as yet has cemented himself. Seeing as TLL is seen as an impact prop from the bench, the other 2 props can be whoever, be it snowden, douglas etc, as long as it isnt perry or white.
That is a VERY agressive backrow. Best thing you can do IMO.
Gidley can play his proper role as backline utility, whilst TLL and (insert name here of any prop bar white, perry) make up the prop rotation.
Lewis rounds off the bench as a second rower or utility forward.

That team IMO has the flair, mongrel, technique but also the potential to challenge queensland not just this year but in years to come.


Staff member
jennings is a liability in both attack and defence, lets be honest, he's not gonna run through qld, and he cant and wont pass. let the morris's combine as a centre/wing combo, could be amazing.

Where the f**k did you pull this sh*t out of? Sure there are plenty of questions about Jennings in defense, but there's no question that he is one of the best attacking centres in the game. In relation to his passing, did you not see him set up Gordon for 2 tries the other week against the Dogs on a platter?

Stop talking out of your ass!!!
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First Grade
Well even though I am in favour of complete changes and picking many players out of left field, like Danny Buderus and Preston Campbell, I will list what I think the best team possible is with the attitudes the selectors have chosen, with not dropping too many players.

1. Jarryd Hayne
2. Brett Morris
3. Timana Tahu
4. Jamie Lyon
5. Josh Morris
6. Trent Barrett
7. Brett Kimmorley
8. Michael Weyman
9. Michael Ennis
10. Brett White
11. Nathan Hindmarsh (C)
12. Anthony Watmough
13. Paul Gallen

14. Kurt Gidley
15. Luke Lewis
16. Keith Galloway
17. Tom Leoroyd-Lahrs

Hayne needs to play fullback, Gidley needs to be bench or nowhere. Morris to right wing, Tahu to left with Lyon back at centre. Bring Barrett in, seems to be safest option although not in good form. Drop Cooper, Perry, Waterhouse and Creagh. Bring in Hindmarsh, Gallen and Galloway. White or Leoroyd-Lahrs to start, whichever.

If this was game 1, I would bring in Soward, Pearce, a right winger like Grothe or Uate, Bailey, Cross, Buderus, Campbell, Ryan and drop Ennis, Leoroyd-Lahrs, White, Kimmorley, Gidley,etc.


First Grade
Well even though I am in favour of complete changes and picking many players out of left field, like Danny Buderus and Preston Campbell, I will list what I think the best team possible is with the attitudes the selectors have chosen, with not dropping too many players.

1. Jarryd Hayne
2. Brett Morris
3. Timana Tahu
4. Jamie Lyon
5. Josh Morris
6. Trent Barrett
7. Brett Kimmorley
8. Michael Weyman
9. Michael Ennis
10. Brett White
11. Nathan Hindmarsh (C)
12. Anthony Watmough
13. Paul Gallen

14. Kurt Gidley
15. Luke Lewis
16. Keith Galloway
17. Tom Leoroyd-Lahrs

Hayne needs to play fullback, Gidley needs to be bench or nowhere. Morris to right wing, Tahu to left with Lyon back at centre. Bring Barrett in, seems to be safest option although not in good form. Drop Cooper, Perry, Waterhouse and Creagh. Bring in Hindmarsh, Gallen and Galloway. White or Leoroyd-Lahrs to start, whichever.

If this was game 1, I would bring in Soward, Pearce, a right winger like Grothe or Uate, Bailey, Cross, Buderus, Campbell, Ryan and drop Ennis, Leoroyd-Lahrs, White, Kimmorley, Gidley,etc.
