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  1. B

    Round 6 vs. Titans Discussion + Voting

    Well fitness and commitment has certainly improved this year – last year some players (not all – Parker, McCullough and some others give 100% every game) were stuffed as well as thinking about something else other than the job in hand after the first 40 minutes. This year we...
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    Henjack sacked

    So he might be, but the important thing here is that he's no longer the CEO, he retired and at the moment he's on leave for 12 months.
  3. B

    Henjack sacked

    I was looking forward to Bruno going and a new broom sweeping clean - and what a magic broom it is. I'm now so looking forward to 2011 and no matter what my bum will be on a seat at Lang Park. I for one am hopefull that "Our" Benny returns for 2012. Are the Broncos headed in the right direction...
  4. B

    So close...

    I must admit I was expecting/hoping for more this season. I went to all the home games and a couple of away games during the year. I came away at the end of it all feeling cheated - cheated that Hodges did not make it back, that Izzy signed for the AFL, that we missed a spot in the top 8 and...
  5. B

    WTF Ricky Stuart to coach The Broncos next year

    I'm not a fan of Henjak, don't like his negative attitude and he has made some bad decisions pointed out by many in this and other threads. However he has some big shoes to fill and given the sh*t he's copping at the moment I'm hopeful that the real Ivan Henjak will, given the chance, learn from...
  6. B

    Round 26 vs. Raiders Discussion + Voting

    I think that was one of our best games without Locky, Wallace lifted dispite the obvious pain, Parker gave it his all under all that preasure and our young guns looked very capable,. Although we needed to catch some of those kicks, we were by far the best side in the second half and although I...
  7. B

    Ivan Henjak and the players..

    A complete lack of motivation at the moment for some reason - anyone got any ideas on that - we did not even run out onto the field last night, we walked, don't think I have ever seen that before! Boy you are a hard task master Ponies4ever - That lazy code hopper as you called him has 8 tests...
  8. B

    Round 25 vs. Warriors Discussion + Voting

    Well done IH, great motivational speach as seen on national TV - "if we don't get into the top 8, it's not the end of the world" really had them fired up last night. The extra comment thown in that "Wallace had to step up" also worked a treat!!! We played a lot better the second half without...
  9. B

    Round 24 vs. Newcastle Knights Discussion + Voting

    Yes I've seen some bad calls against the knights, but not last night....
  10. B

    Round 24 vs. Newcastle Knights Discussion + Voting

    Another ref that needs the sack - some of those calls were disgusting and blatent, I would go so far as to say biased. I've lost count of the number of games I have watched this year when ref calls seem to favor one side over the other. Last nights bad ref calls lead to the knights lift and our...
  11. B

    Paul Kent On Matty Johns Show Saying The Broncos & Other Clubs Are Cheating The Cap

    Boy you are a touchy lot - I was not being arrogant, bragging or anything of the sort. I was making the point as to why we have the 3rd party support that we have - yes I know we are a one city side, I would love for there to be a few more up here in Brisbane. Yes Gigolo you have a very rich...
  12. B

    Paul Kent On Matty Johns Show Saying The Broncos & Other Clubs Are Cheating The Cap

    Some of you will be up here tonight (hope you have a good time win or loose – what to expect? 40,000 fans plus and probably close to capacity 50,000 plus – this is a big game for both sides! A low rated game at the beginning of the season with Masterchef on TV and you will still find 20,000...
  13. B

    Inglis to broncos!!!

    Yes, yes, yes - A huge well done to Bruno and all the others involved....
  14. B

    Round 13 vs. Sea Eagles Discussion + Voting

    My thoughts exactly Country Bronco. If memory serves me well cuties defection news took the wind out of the side the following game. Certainly an unexpected move by Izzy which I'm sure will have an effect one way or the other.
  15. B

    We're chasing Inglis

    Spot on Country Bronco
  16. B

    So NOW can we sack Henjak?

    I will trust your judgment Beads6 and I withdraw my comments, I'm not in a position to know how good or otherwise the coaching staff is. I'm still gutted that we lost against the Knights at home after being in front at half time.
  17. B

    So NOW can we sack Henjak?

    Don't jump to uniformed conclusions about my feelings. I did not base my sh*t (your words) on a few seconds of TV footage, we are into week 8 and that is not the first time we have seen inside the sheds at half time or the first time we have seen the coach. Open you eyes and have a look at the...
  18. B

    So NOW can we sack Henjak?

    So sorry for having the nerve to dare post on your forum. Did not realise I had to be qualified. No I've never coached anything, me I'm just a Broncos fan who is at present watching a team that he loves falling apart after the first half.