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  1. T

    Rule Changes/Concepts

    Q: Why is it that refs need to distinguish between lawful tackles? A: To allow tacklers in a 'dominant' tackle to lawfully slow down the play-the-ball (PTB). Q: Why is it important for defender to wish to slow down the PTB? A: For the same reason defenders flop, wrestle, grab legs, and come...
  2. T

    "Unnecessary" Contact With The Legs

    Yep. Precisely which law of the game is this supposed to be infringing?
  3. T

    The TV rights thread part II

    Here's a tip, princess. You don't get to decide what the TV rights are worth, no matter how long you stick your fingers in your ears and hold your breath. The market will decide. And despite my taste in footy and your taste in footy, I think the AFL will be comfortably ahead when the market...
  4. T

    It's time to go - Ray Warren

    Warren is an embarrassment. I'm well and truly old enough to recall earlier and better RL commentators in Oz, and Warren cannot depart the game quick enough for me. He's just one more part of the crap that is Channel Nein.
  5. T

    hold your head up *spoiler*

    Piss off you bogan knucklehead. That was a great game of footy, and here's you carrying on like a ten year old. And yeah, I'm Bronks' supporter BTW...
  6. T

    The TV rights thread

    You've nailed it. Cutting one's nose off to etc may be a bargain for plastic surgeons, but not for the newly-noseless...
  7. T

    Boyd's 54th Minute Try

    Section 16 law 8.1 (e) sets out when the ref must whistle a stoppage when play is irregularly affected by the ball or the player carrying the ball hitting a ref, touchie, stray dog, piece of space shuttle, etc. If the ref doesn't have the power to blow a stoppage for a defender running into...
  8. T

    Todd Carney caught Drink Driving!!

    Don't live in NSW, so have no accurate idea what the going rate is for this type of offence, however... being RBTed and blowing 0.052 isn't, in other States, usually a hanging matter. Carneys' last DD conviction was in, what, '96 or '97? (He wasn't done for DD, IIRC, when he pulled his...
  9. T

    The biggest signing in history

    Lazarus. Enormous signing. The front rower Bennett had tried to turn other of his forwards into with no success. (Donnelly & Tronc were two good examples). Already a winner of two GFs, he won two more with the Bronks and one with the Storm. Seems a grumpy prick of a bloke, but the...
  10. T

    Who are the genuine title threats for this year?

    So: Paul Kelly = Proven Liar. Obviously there is NOT only one David Gower...
  11. T

    Canberra Raiders - crap town, moron fans, pooch rooter culture

    Youse NewkArsle barsteds are all like that...
  12. T

    Will Ipswich & Newtown be heading to court ?

    Are you being deliberately disingenuous? Of course the NSWRL didn't ask 'Brisbane' to join. What the NSWRL did was invite the QRL to consider a team to be entered in the top-level NSWRL comp. Several times. 'Brisbane' in the form of the BRL was a stumbling block, not the prime mover.
  13. T

    2010 Crowd Statistics

    Winners are grinners matey. Losers? Well you'd know all about that already (Snigger).
  14. T

    What is your preferred Gus Gould catchphrase??

    Mine would be: "Ah aaaaaahh aaaah arrrrgh jesus me heart aaggggggggghhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Haven't heard it yet but believe me I'm waiting...
  15. T

    If your team was rissoled

    Probl'y the 87th person to say this, but my team was rissoled. From the top comp at least. Former Fortitude Valley RLFC supporter.
  16. T

    Western Corridor NRL bid

    Footy trains are invariably all-stations, so about 50 minutes from Ipswich to Milton. Fact is, it is utterly unlikely the state government will stump up the cash for a new stadium - and it pretty much has to be the Qld. Guvmint - without some assurance a new team will draw crowds of...

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