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    Matt Petersen

    GO MATTY...hee hee :oops:
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    Hmmm, It's someone's Birthday today....

    Little late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY DI!!! Hope you had a good one :alcho: You too aphelion ;-)
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    Paul Stringer

    I know a few Souths supporters and they love this guy and rate him very highly...not that it would take much with the talent they have. But I can't wait to see Stringer carve it up for Parra next year.
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    Photos from the game

    Aww...GO PARRA!!!
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    Brian Smith - Last Chance or Not

    Enough said!
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    Who would you rather have? Part 1

    I like Chad but out of the two...Lee!
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    Nathan Hindmarsh Vs David Middleton on footy show

    Hindy cracks me up :lol: His attitude is so cute!
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    Yes his been taking them but I believe he needs a bit more confidence under the high ball otherwise McKinnon ROCKS!!! HA HA Souths \\:D/
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    Stick By Smith

    Nice ParraMatt! I can see both sides and I do believe Parra need a change in the near future but sometimes I don't think Smith is necessarily the problem. Fitzgerald has been making so many players (and fans) miserable for years...I liked to see him go first. At least let me just dream a...
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    Lets bring back PJ Marsh

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I was formally known as PJ Lover but I'm not so sure I want him back now.
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    Wade McKinnon

    Great site filthy_spammers :clap:
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    The Lyon saga.

    My hairdresser was Jamie's girlfriend's hairdresser as well. She was telling me just before they went back to Wee Waa his girlfriend had a miscarriage but Jamie decided well and truly before then that they were moving back. Their relationship was very on and off so maybe the pregnancy took its...
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    If anyone gives a damn....

    Really Phillips? Tate is an awesome player and Tonga is still only young. Don't get me wrong they both deserve it but QLD did the right thing by seeing how Tate was first.
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    Buy of the year award 2004

    I agree!
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    Happy B'day NIKKI!

    Hope you've had a great one Nikki! Best wishes dude :)
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    ashley graham vs willie tonga

    Tonga has always been better than Graham...hands down!
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    Wear your Eels jumper with pride!!!!

    Hahaha! I'm the same Jess! I'm not happy with Parra's form of late but I'm always going to support them through and through and it makes me very happy to know that I'm not the only one :clap:
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    Peterson and Dykes to never play again.

    I totally agree! I remember last year many people were giving it to young Willie Tonga and look at him now. Has anyone thought maybe it's the players around him? At least he gets in there and has a GO but he can't do it all of his own you know. I think if we let Peterson go, he will come back...
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    It's over: Lyon's gone

    I totally agree with HJ. Yes Jamie Lyon has let a lot of people down and I for one am not happy about it but he is only human and he does have his own problems. If his heart isn't in it anymore then I don't want him on the field playing for us. I do think Parramatta is letting him know the...