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  1. R

    The Swamp

    Give him a break he's been stuck in the Greater Western Sydney surrounded by degenerate Campbelltown, Parramatta and Penrith supporters. Once he's in the clear, in a nice eloquent and affluent neighborhood away from the west. He will be a ambassador of Rugby Union and a shining light of...
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    Sonny Bill joins Roosters for 2013 Season

    rooster fans have no pride from each fan to the top of the organisation. Always the first ones out on the quick buy, players with no heart and commitment. SBW is going to get injured all season early, can't wait for the crying! Remember what i said.
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    Nissan to join V8 Supercars competition in 2013

    this is unAustralian... what next a Bing Lee car with some Pro Japanese driver. That's just unfair.
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    The Swamp

    He is a mormon and won't lie. Why play for the dirty parramatta river eels when you can play for the Waratahs away from the westy bogans
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    Hacker's illegal rugby league website shutdown

    not anymore thanks to mightybronco
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    Steve Price Quits Footy

    maybe it's karma for all those players price has injured chopping their legs down if i know what he was doing, god does too!
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    Why do NRL players say me?

    Just because you know a few doesn't equate to plenty. It's like saying Africans would be on the best in the NRL because they know one black guy called Jamal Idris. But the fact is not many Africans in the NRL so you can't say that based on 1 person. Your tongan doctor, maori accountant i...
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    Why do NRL players say me?

    It's because they don't have the intelligence. I have yet to see a islander doctor, accountant or someone in a successful position besides labor work. They must be a rare breed.
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    The rugby league highway

    Shame on you Timbo. I for one will take this very seriously and from now on will refer it to the Rugby League Highway. You need to give credit where it is due.
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    disgusting eels fan behaviour to child

    If you ever go pass Parramatta walk past Westfields towards Hungry Jacks, look on the benches...... there you have the most passionate Parramatta Eels fans, all of them are proud vocal Parra supporters. Good on the junkies!
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    Headbutting is fair play: judiciary clear Hayne

    well well no suprise... no suprise he got shot at the cross pretending to be a superstar too bad they missed him
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    Eels' Tautai hid DUI arrest from club

    The lines drawn when you don't put other peoples lives in danger you DICKHEAD......... stick to the pokies. :lol:
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    You wont stop our group sex romps: NRL player

    oh nice i pick u up and we agree to consensual sex then i start shoving up your bumhole and make you gag... How many players? how many girls? You cannot consent to what you don't know.
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    SMH: Rail threat to Bulldogs

    same hair cuts, same diahorrea version of english linguistics and same blood
  15. R

    Tuqiri Bitter

    +very strong defence physically and vision +good leg drive +high ball safe +good at returning the ball when tackled +strength +palm +can hit the line hard - lacking his confidence - lacks speed/accelleration (lost a bit of confidence but also a lot of these runners are getting faster" -...
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    Dell the Dragon

    coked out wendell could possibly slim chance make qld origin rep team in league. Here are two prime examples where some NRL fans said they would even struggle to make first grade while OLD Brad Thorn makes origin. Look at Mat Rogers that OLD rat sook because wallabies wouldn't give him a FT...
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    Pritchard Stabbed

    locky has a good point. If i went to a bikie club told them to turn it down. They told me to f**k off with a knife. Would i come back with a group of people? 1. Would they be scared and turn down the music? 2. Why come back if you already know that a knifes been used? 3. Do i want to be...
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    Willie Masons bags Union. Legend!

    they are bigger because they need to stay on the feet and not burrow like in2 submission
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    Western Force

    magic moment was when gerrard flattened that poor guy only if gerrards defence is up to level
  20. R

    OK, I go for the Waratahs!

    good 2 see alot of blood