Some interesting opinions so far with this news.It looks like the majority are more than happy to be rid of Mary,However there is plenty of reservations about signing Cleary.The way i see it is he is the best out there as far as experience goes as well as being an outsider.You can make anything out of stats & his win/loss ratio is there for all to see if you wish to be negative but injuries at Penrith & lazy poor attitudes at the Warriors have played a part in this imo.Cleary has shown in the past to be a smart tactitian with his sides playing a good brand of footy & hopefully we will all be happy to hear the term "Dragons Footy" again.His track record of using juniors is a plus.There certainly are plenty of talented players such as Friz,Duges,Aitken,Milne,JDB,Dufty,Leluia etc would benefit from his style.He is also not afraid to have a go at officials if he thinks the team has been hard done by.