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Kasiano charged

Sure, not even once :roll:

Seriously, do people not understand the difference between swing an arm forward with force and simply extending it to make a tackle? And I'm the one who's never played footy? Lol...

You extend your arms rather than throwing them? That'd be funny to see. Running around looking like a cartoon character mummy with the extended arms :lol:


Vic Mackey

Sure, not even once :roll:

Seriously, do people not understand the difference between swing an arm forward with force and simply extending it to make a tackle? And I'm the one who's never played footy? Lol...

Well I'd love to play against you

In fact are you the tigers defensive coach?


Post Whore
Again, there seems to be a comprehension error here. You don't need to swing your arm to make a tackle. You certainly don't need to swing it with enough force to knock a big bloke like Fui into next week. There is a great difference between a swinging arm like Kasiano in this case, and any other tackle made by simply wrapping the player up.

As for that idiot Bulldog Force, he has carry over points that will see him suspended no matter the grading...thats why he will miss a game


It was careless. Regardless of fui falling Sam got him in the head. Fui missed the rest of the match and possibly out this week. I think 1 week is fine tbh where a player is hit in the head no matter how it happens


It was careless. Regardless of fui falling Sam got him in the head. Fui missed the rest of the match and possibly out this week. I think 1 week is fine tbh where a player is hit in the head no matter how it happens

Wonder what song you were singing in 2009 when Hayne slid in with his knees and knocked out Bryson Goodwin?


Post Whore
I was rabid when it happened, but now I see it was unintentional.

However, there is a precedent which should see him get suspended - Nathan Cayless knocked Matty Singh out a few years back in similar fashion (Singh was tackled from behind and fell forward into Cayless, swinging arm) and Cayless got suspended.

Then again, the judiciary is inconsistent as hell anyway.

The General

Obviously going to come off as bias but it's a joke to get charged for this. Fui went from standing to being on his knees in less then half a second. How is Sam supposed to adjust to that? Sams arm was initially aimed around the chest and it actually follows Fui down and hits him in what would have been his hips if he was standing.

Accidents happen in league. Why aren't we charging Manu for jumping with his knees up and collecting Thaiday in the jaw. Because it was an accident as was this. Completely unavoidable.


First Grade
Accidents happen in league. Why aren't we charging Manu for jumping with his knees up and collecting Thaiday in the jaw. Because it was an accident as was this. Completely unavoidable.

Stupid comparison.

While it's probably harsh on Kasiano to get suspended, the precedent has been set with other players being suspended for hitting a falling player. He also has carryover points and loading so he's going to cop a week on the sidelines.


I don't understand how accidental contact to the head with an arm or shoulder is the end of the world but with your knee or head isn't.

Dresden Dan



LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member

Players are intent on getting in a big first hit?

Well, I f**king never! Here I was thinking they'd offer a welcoming hug and a cup of f**king tea!

For what it's worth, Kasiano's accepted the early plea and won't fight the charge.

Meanwhile, Issac Luke (Souths) has been given 3 (early) 4 (fight/fail) weeks for the spear tackle last night.


God lord NRL, that explanation/justification of Kasiano's tackle is pretty lame.

Johns Magic

I've never understood why players come in with the clenched fist and swinging arm.

Tough call to suspend him the way Fui fell, but his tackling style wasn't exactly cleanskin.


I'd love the match review committee and the NRL to explain how why Kasiano deserves to be charged and miss games for his completely accidental tackle, while Sam Burgess can go in equally recklessly and smash a bloke in the head (again, completely by accident) and not even get penalised.

All this "protect the head at all costs" bullshit is completely hypocritical if they aren't going to penalise players for head clashes.

The Gambler

I'd love the match review committee and the NRL to explain how why Kasiano deserves to be charged and miss games for his completely accidental tackle, while Sam Burgess can go in equally recklessly and smash a bloke in the head (again, completely by accident) and not even get penalised.

All this "protect the head at all costs" bullshit is completely hypocritical if they aren't going to penalise players for head clashes.
I am only guessing, but the argument probably is that players have complete control of the arm in a tackle (ie Kasiano has chosen to swing his arm with a clenched fist) whereas a player has limited control of the head (unless you are Nate Myles).

Dresden Dan

I am only guessing, but the argument probably is that players have complete control of the arm in a tackle (ie Kasiano has chosen to swing his arm with a clenched fist) whereas a player has limited control of the head (unless you are Nate Myles).

Say Kasiano & Moimoi had collided heads in that tackle. Kasiano (and his head) had still run a long way to make that collision happen. But the way things are the NRL would have written that off as an accident and not charged him. Yet somehow an accident caused by Moimoi slipping is still Kasiano's fault. Concussion from tackler's head onto yours isn't a concern apparently.

Didn't the NRL spend all last week ramping up rivalry round by using footage of Mark Carroll knocking out the Chief Harragon from a kickoff return?
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The dude deserves a holiday for that .
Swinging arm straight into a blokes head...knocks him out cold.

compare it to other suspensions .


I am only guessing, but the argument probably is that players have complete control of the arm in a tackle (ie Kasiano has chosen to swing his arm with a clenched fist) whereas a player has limited control of the head (unless you are Nate Myles).

Limited control of their head? Its attached to their neck just as well as their arm is attached to their shoulder isn't it?

We have charges for deliberate, reckless and careless high tackles. We should equally have charges for deliberate, reckless, and careless headbutts. If we are serious about this protecting the head and concussion garbage, charging people for head clashes is a pretty obvious answer. It is a very common cause of concussion in the game after all.

Watch how much control players would suddenly have over their head positioning if they started missing games for it when they got it wrong.

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