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LOL @ Manly!!!

Nice Beaver

First Grade
Alright El Dildo, let's look at it from a business perspective if you're presenting your case to the NRL for whose in and whose out"

NRL: "So Parramatta, what do you bring to the table that warrants your inclusion in our competition?"

Parramatta: "Well we have a MASSIVE base of juniors to draw on for our success Mr NRL"

NRL: "I see Parramatta. That is impressive. And tell me, in the past 25 years then, how many competitions have you won? We'd assume that given your abundent resource of these thousands of juniors, you must have done pretty well for yourself?"

Parramatta: "Ummm, well you see, we haven't exactly WON anything in that time per say, but we try really hard!!"

NRL: "Hmmmm, why haven't you won anything?"

Parramatta: "Well, there's these predator clubs like Manly who keep taking all of our great players and winning competitions!! Its not FAIR!!!"

NRL: "I see.....so this Manly team, they must have more money to give these players?"

Parramatta: "Ummmm, well not exactly"

NRL: "So they are on a level playing field to you in having the same salary cap yet they get all of your juniors"

Parramatta: "Yep"

NRL: "And so this Manly team have won a competition or two in the past 25 years?"

Parramatta: "Ummm yeah, maybe 3"

NRL: "So a team with a FAR lower number of juniors than you, on the same salary cap has managed to win 3 competitions in the 25 year period that you have won NONE? This sounds like you have a major case of business mis-management whereas Manly obviously know how to run a football team...... don't call us Paramatta, we'll call you....."

Nice Beaver

First Grade
I like the Eels. They stayed firm and have a great set of supporters but the bloke we are taking about,...

Yeah have to agree for the most part. They were ARL loyal which goes a LONG way with me.

Like you say, this peanut is just something else (and nice and easy to wind up).......


this lots of differen things parra fans might like to hang their hat on. Simple thing is football fans want to see their teams win premierships. There isnt one parra fan alive, born on any day, in any year, in any decade that has seen their team win more comps than manly.


From a non-bias opinion El Diablo I have a question for you..

You ask how many Manly juniors are in the NRL, I want you to name a side of ex-Sea Eagles playing for other clubs in the NRL. I'll guarantee you can't.

Now do the same for Parramatta - you can probably name three full line ups.

That's the thing. Manly has a culture which breeds success and keeps players at the club. Players believe they play their best football out at Manly, and see their game improve the most, and therefore they want to stay.

On the other hand, it is clear Parramatta has some real culture issues. Why is it Manly can hang onto it's players but the Eels can't? Because there is not the right feel in the club, players don't feel they play at their best there or don't feel they are improving. Put simply, players are either not happy at the club or with the football they are playing.

And that, above nearly every other reason, is why the Sea Eagles have been the most successful club of the past half a decade. They keep their players, and are able to develop largely rejects and no-bodys into represetative stars.

On the other hand, the Eels have a flood-gate like exit flow, finding it seemingly impossible to keep any of the talent which they have produced.

Talent and participation only goes so far in Rugby League. You need the right people and culture around you to thrive. Therein lies your answer.


Alright El Dildo, let's look at it from a business perspective if you're presenting your case to the NRL for whose in and whose out"

NRL: "So Parramatta, what do you bring to the table that warrants your inclusion in our competition?"

Parramatta: "Well we have a MASSIVE base of juniors to draw on for our success Mr NRL"

NRL: "I see Parramatta. That is impressive. And tell me, in the past 25 years then, how many competitions have you won? We'd assume that given your abundent resource of these thousands of juniors, you must have done pretty well for yourself?"

Parramatta: "Ummm, well you see, we haven't exactly WON anything in that time per say, but we try really hard!!"

NRL: "Hmmmm, why haven't you won anything?"

Parramatta: "Well, there's these predator clubs like Manly who keep taking all of our great players and winning competitions!! Its not FAIR!!!"

NRL: "I see.....so this Manly team, they must have more money to give these players?"

Parramatta: "Ummmm, well not exactly"

NRL: "So they are on a level playing field to you in having the same salary cap yet they get all of your juniors"

Parramatta: "Yep"

NRL: "And so this Manly team have won a competition or two in the past 25 years?"

Parramatta: "Ummm yeah, maybe 3"

NRL: "So a team with a FAR lower number of juniors than you, on the same salary cap has managed to win 3 competitions in the 25 year period that you have won NONE? This sounds like you have a major case of business mis-management whereas Manly obviously know how to run a football team...... don't call us Paramatta, we'll call you....."

Quite the retort.


Hey you guys should be careful what you say to El Diabolo.

Do you know what El Diabolo means? It means THE DEVIL, but in Spanish. Scary, no?

And that spinning shape next to his/her name? Thats a pentagram, which is the logo of the devil.

So basically, El Diabolo is a really scary dude because he is either friends with the devil, or is the devil himself! AND he speaks Spanish!!

I'm scared. Really scared.

seaeagle sam

Shit really?!!! Here I was thinking it was Spanish for 'wank like the Devil'. Gets lost in the translation I suppose
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El Diablo

Post Whore
still nothing from you mob that would convince anyone your team will contribute to the game and it's future

you'll be dead in 5 years


no juniors

no fans

no ground

no money

no future

that's Manly
Yeah we have no juniors thats why Parramatta signed up 5 manly juniors in the off season the 3 hopoate brothers luke vescio & joey lussick & are chasing hard for darcy lussick. LOL:lol:

Nice Beaver

First Grade
still nothing from you mob that would convince anyone your team will contribute to the game and it's future

you'll be dead in 5 years

:lol: And besides having a massive base of juniors to draw on, what pray tell do the Eels bring to the table?

Last I checked the Parramatta Eels did not actually have much to do with the size of the population in the West, nor did they choose the demographic of the population.

Best I can see you have a pathetically run club with the greatest asset of junoir players which you convert to NOTHING year after year.

Perhaps the NRL should cut their losses with the Eels and divvy up their junior base to clubs that seem to be able to properly utilise these assets and instil some sort of winning culture into the area....

It seems to me that all these juniors are fleeing from the Paramatta area to other clubs because they realise the grass is soooo much greener on the other side. Better management, better facilities, better opportunities, a chance to win premierships. It can't be the money - every club has the same salary cap!!!!

Geez the more I think about this, Parramatta could be in BIG trouble.

I think perhaps its you who needs to justify your clubs existence in the NRL. Having lots of kids in your area by pure coincidence and not the fruits of your clubs labours hardly seems sufficient grounds for the rest of us to prop you underperforming team up in a high quality competition.

Have a nice day El Diablo.:D


There are lots of kids in manly as well, they just play other sports because manly does not push its juniors programme.

The sea eagles and the roosters are strong clubs no doubt, but in terms of pushing rugby league in there local area they do nothing but make excuses.

Nice Beaver

First Grade
Manly even let AFL start taking over

the area has no future

The Manly AFL team :lol::lol::lol::lol: F*cking idiot

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Nice Beaver

First Grade


Oh ohhhhh the Parramatta COUNCIL is involved with the Greater Western Sydney juniors!!!!!!

Expel Parramatta now !!!!:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:

You really want to start a fight about how AFL is in one of our backyards or the other?????

Its like fighting a midget with your arm outstretched and he's flailing away......

Nice Beaver

First Grade
neither will Manly

We don't need to grow. Much bigger and we'll win 5 in a row pal.:D

How are Parramatta going to grow by the way? Just interested.

I guess they can grow in the sense that they could muster up maybe 8 or 9 wins in a year. That would be good growth.