Everlovin' Antichrist
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Matt Dunning.... LOL
If you knew the game I wouldn't have to tell you. And that #72 is Wayne Gandy and he's not that fat. He also runs a 5 second 40 yard dash at that size.
Fat doesn't mean they are out of shape.
Jae said:I've got a mate who can run the 40 yard dash in 6.2, god damn he's a fat ass though.
I think we're being a bit unfair to NFL, they're really not THAT fat it's just an illusion created by their tight gymnastics outfits. Put them in an NRL jersey and I'm sure their guts wouldn't be hanging over their colourful tights like that. Also, the camera adds 10 pounds remember.
I agree and on the same token many, many league player's wouldn't be able to play NFL because they're too small and they're endurance athletes.MutOofd said:Well i got to admit the fat doesnt affect them much in nfl since its about explosive runs and short dashes(it maybe even affects this in a positive way), but their weight certainly takes their stamina down, what they would in nrl so they are just not suited for nrl in their current bodyshape
Choppies said:and after all of this their still fat :lol:
ozhawk66 said:And after all this the'd still be able to play a league a league match as the length of a league match isn't but a half a full on practice session.
Everlovin' Antichrist said:What regiment?
your used to?
What the f**k are you on about?
Regimental Football players.... LOL
But, based on what you were trying to say...
Irrelevant to the game itself. If they had to prepare for an NRL game they wouldn't do the same training.
The facts remain, as stated numerous times that NFL players play 30 minutes in 210 and NRL players play 60 - 80 minutes in 90.
Greater stamina, NRL be thy name.
JW said:Matt Dunning would be a massive coup for the NFL. He's a fine athletic specimen and i'm certain he'd meet Ozdork's strict fitness standards. The added bonus is that he currently plays Union, where doing nothing is encouraged. He also has a gut.
What do you reckon Ozdork? Don't cream yourself mate, I know talents like this are hard to find...
Everlovin' Antichrist said:Your English teacher went over his head?
MutOofd said:Not a lot of linesmen follow that regime i believe, they like to compete more in good old pie-eating contests
OR maybe we're all wrong and those linesmen on the pics were wearing 20 cm thick padding all over their bodies which would make them even wussier
Dilmah said:Do you have a stutter in your typing fingers?
That post made no sense at all - you are just scribbling with your tongue...
Gunnamatta said:Time for the medication.
ozhawk66 said:I's nots two's concerns abouts grammur in a place lik dis.
Twizzle said:or common sense and logic, for that matter
but don't let that stop your trolling for bites
Dilmah said:Why does him being a moderator mean he can't get involved? I'm admin and I still think your an idiot.
Pantherjim. said:Getting back to the topic,
I fail to see how you can even compare our great game with this over-dramatised, over-choreographed Yankee crap. Not to mention, I especially fail to see how you can compare our fine young atheletes to these over-fed, drugged-up, STD-ridden American w*nkers! Pantherjim.