If they want to improve the quality of the broadcast they should just pick the best available person, I dont see what their gender has to do with anything.
I don't think that Burns has said anything about improving the broadcast. Pretty sure that's not why they are doing it.
The "job" being asked of this woman is too get a few more female viewers without losing any of the male ones. She doesn't have to be a great sideline eye or have a great knowledge of footy, she just have to not f$%k up the call, not alienate the blokes, and not look or sound like a bull dyke.
She doesn't need to know anything about footy to ask the big questions like "You've had 2 losses in a row, looking to turn that around this week?" or break the big stories like "There is a strong breeze blowing left to right and a bit of light rain".
If anyone watches "Sportsnation" on ESPN, that Michelle Beadle is pretty much the person they want for the job. Knows sport, knows how to talk sport and not sound like she read it in a textbook, and easy on the eyes. Pity she isn't an Aussie.