I do apologize for referring to you as a RU apologist.
What concerns me is the lack of general knowledge about the repression that RL has had to endure over the years and to this day.
In a world of "fast" media I believe that more awareness of this universal repression of RL can become general knowledge. I showed a decent and respected local RL official an article that summarized the French example and his reaction was: "What! The bastards! I had no idea that this had gone on! .......It gives you an idea that this sort of stuff could happen all over!"
I have a bone to pick with that mindset "This could happen all over"
RL could be victimised by RU, no doubt.
But RU siding with a war mongering politicial party purely to get control over RL has only happened once. Which ahs been one of my points all along. It shows the lengths RU have gone to in the past to damage RL, but it is the most extreme case ever which is why its an exceptional case. It is by no means the standard form of action taken by RU against RL.
I have no issue with RL fans hating RU for how they've treated the game. But by no means will I join a lynch mob who believe that what French RU did in Vichy is by any means, the norm for RU when dealing with a rival code, because that is just not true.
RU has attacked RL in many countries in many various ways for a long time. But only once have they ever sided with a political party like the NAZI's, who aimed to invade countries and take them over and kill off all members of a specific religion, purely to get an advantage over RL.
That incident alone is a one off. RU will never resort to that level ever again, mostly because the likes of another NAZI party starting wars again, with the size and power they had, is likely to occur again in a country where RL and RU are essentially equals.
This cannot be argued against.
It is quite logical if you reason: that how does a less attractive code(RU) is more universal compared to a more entertaining "elite" form of rugby(RL)which has been limited to the backwaters or scuttled at every move for acceptance and growth in many areas of the world.
A number of factors have caused and perpetuated this repression of RL. It's up to RL to let people know about what has gone on. This will assist RL being more accepted in places that are oblivious to such knowledge. Fair-minded people will warm to RL's plight and of course their will be individuals that will refuse to acknowledge what has and is going on and this is prevalent in other discourses as well.
Greater awareness is part of the answer along with RL bodies having a unified stance to pursue some justice. I believe the Australian RL can lead the way in the game gaining universal acceptance but it must be carefully planned and coordinated with the rest of the RL world.
Human rights is another angle that may be pursued in so far as litigation and compensation issues are concerned. It is a big deal yet not many people know about it! It (the repression of RL)needs to be known and acted upon.
It's up to RL to look to the future.
It's up to RL to have an international body that has some clout and some balls that will stand up for all the emerging nations to see the game grow.
We will not go anywhere by playing the victim card solely and all stand around crying and saying "RU were nasty to us. It's not fair"
There are always two sides to a story and to understand the whole story properly, one must allow themselves to see both sides of the story.
The French RL story detailed in the Forbidden Game, is entirely unique. The French RU at the time were the worst run amateur sporting body, possibly in the world. Amateur's being paid large sums of money quietly, being kicked out of International competition for their bad sportsmanship and excessively violent style of play which saw one young player killed on the field. No RU body in the history of the game has been as shambolic as the French RU in the 1920's through til the late 1940's. This shambolic organisation affiliated themselves with NAZI's, like parasites, to ensure their game survived.
Never again, in my honest opinion, will that sort of thing ever happen again.
But as I already said, that does not mean RU won't try to do all it can to dominate RL where it can either.