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Wolfman shaves beard and slobs down Watmough...

Rockin Ronny

Does it really matter?Being gay,straight or inbetween has zero effect on a persons ability in their chosen profession...look at Rob Halford from Judas Priest.

Gay or straight? Irrelevant. they are Manly - hence, they are scum.

Maybe Williams was forced to kiss him otherwise there'd be a coin heading for his noggin at full pelt.


Gay or straight? Irrelevant. they are Manly - hence, they are scum.

Maybe Williams was forced to kiss him otherwise there'd be a coin heading for his noggin at full pelt.

If someone could rip you away from your favorite male gay porn website for a minute, you could do with a hug....

Seriously though...I'm waiting with baited breath your answers you seem to ignore all the time:-
1. What area do YOU live in that is so wonderful?
2. How much is the house YOU own?
3. What do you do for a quid?

Your ashamed or embarrassed to answer those questions, yet are able to degrade an area in which you CERTAINLY could not afford to buy (or rent in a housing commission area in your instance).

And why are you on the net? The disabled pension was paid this past Wednesday ! I thought you'd be down Cabramatta RSL blowing your money through the pokies - you are a big gambler right?:oops:


Some Manly players have a history of abuse to partners and barmaids..I think Williams should watch out who he gets involved with. One can only imagine what goes on in the showers at Brookvale after a match..would be similar to toilet trading which is how most Manly people discover sex!


Oh, did I miss a homophobia discussion and chance to rant? Shame, but that hasn't stopped me before...

Seriously, I'd love to see how some/most people would handle it if more league players came out about their particular sexualities (rubber fetishes, womens undies while they play, homosexuality, whatever). Ian Roberts can't have been the only one you know!

It would make a lot of people re-think their attitudes when they find out one of the players in the team they barrack for is (omg) gay! ("But my favourite player turns out to be gay... maybe what I think about it might not be so right after all? *cue brain explosion*")

I like seeing people squirm when their own views have trapped them in a corner. Kind of like when growing up Midnight Oil put out a whole album of songs themed around Aboriginal rights, and some of their biggest fans were racists and had to look at themselves. ("But my favourite band says/thinks/does this... maybe what I think might not be so right after all? *cue brain explosion*")

How does the song go? "Get Drunk, Kiss Yer Friends"*... who cares, really? I'm glad I've had the chance to learn that it doesn't matter in the slightest whether musicians, actors, sports people, friends, teachers, politicians, or strangers are straight, gay, bi, or f**k peanut butter** jars in their private lives. It has nothing to do with the ways we come to know those categories of people in the first place, and imo is only an issue to the smallest of minds.

(* - oops, I think it's Get Drunk, Ring Yer Friends - sorry Timofi)
(** - crunchy, always opt for crunchy ;-))
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God-King Dean

What's annoying me is why people are going on about these homophobic rants ?

I haven't seen one homophobic comment yet.


You saying people aren't homophobic here on the forums, or in footy in general, or our culture in general GKD?

God-King Dean

Of course there is. I just don't get why an innocent thread like this has become a PC wankfest.

I guess that main thing that gives me the irrites is when people express their disdain of seeing guys kiss, you get the holier than thou crowd giving em a lecture about being a homophobe.

Some people just need to relax... People not liking male-male kissing doesn't make em one, nor does it mean they are prejudice.

There's no way I'm homophobic in the least... but the times I've seen guys kiss, makes me feel uncomfortable.


Hmmm... just a thought - maybe it's the people who feel uncomfortable, and then need to express it, that need to relax about when guys kiss?

Nothing PC about it - notice how accusations of PC only flow one way, towards people who are expressing themselves against what might be deemed popular or prevalent opinion. If anything speaking up against homophobia and racism publically is (unfortunately) still the minority position. Yet whenever it occurs people - for their own uncomfortable feelings - seem to want to shut it down by crying PC?

Anyway, people usually don't go on rants about homophobia without reacting to something that's already been expressed. There's enough on the first tow pages of this innocent thread to in my view justify someone being able to state their POV in disagreement to sentiments already expressed...

I'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable when you see guys kiss. I had the chance (through school friends who ended up being gay) to realise it's nothing to worry about, and just the same as a man and a woman kissing, or two women kissing, or whatever... simply not a problem in my view. I hope you get there mate.

Rockin Ronny

If someone could rip you away from your favorite male gay porn website for a minute, you could do with a hug....

Seriously though...I'm waiting with baited breath your answers you seem to ignore all the time:-
1. What area do YOU live in that is so wonderful?
2. How much is the house YOU own?
3. What do you do for a quid?

Your ashamed or embarrassed to answer those questions, yet are able to degrade an area in which you CERTAINLY could not afford to buy (or rent in a housing commission area in your instance).

And why are you on the net? The disabled pension was paid this past Wednesday ! I thought you'd be down Cabramatta RSL blowing your money through the pokies - you are a big gambler right?:oops:


You poor deluded Manly, coin-throwing sap,

You say "your ashamed" - grammar which a 5 year old would find laughable - yet you try to make a psychological point about where I live and what I do. :lol: Then, you nominate people on the "disabled pension" as something to be laughed at. What a disgrace - but not unusual for Manly scum.

Nice work. In the normal world, people work hard, develop their lives, achieve things fairly. That's the Australian way.

In your Manly world, the Manly/Northern Eagles/Gosford way, you do anything to try and succeeed, no matter what the damage. The unAustralian way.

My advice to you: get a proper education - not your flatmates teaching you how to measure gms for your next drug deal. But an education that teaches you how to speak and spell properly - like most 10 years olds.

Then, ditch your footy team - the Manly She-Eagles - the most self-centred organisation with no honour, self-esteem or courage that Australian sport has ever seen. Manly is a disgrace to Australian sport.

You are scum - but you are too stupid to realise it. There is no pride at Manly -just a history of nepotism, fraud, legups and arrogance that is damaging to the great game of rugby league.

God-King Dean

I'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable when you see guys kiss. I had the chance (through school friends who ended up being gay) to realise it's nothing to worry about, and just the same as a man and a woman kissing, or two women kissing, or whatever... simply not a problem in my view. I hope you get there mate.

What you said there is exactly what p*sses me off. Seeing gay dudes kiss makes a lot of people feel comfortable. There's nothing wrong with me, or any of them.


First Grade
dean thats okay, because its not what you're used to seeing. thats not homophobic in itself.

what bothers me, and its not even specifically in this thread, but a mood that peremeates this forum and its OH HE'S A HOMO as in insult or calling AFL 'gay' or whatever...that is homophobic.

it also bothers me that people use it like, being homosexual makes you less manly or something. i mean has anyone seen the Sydney Convicts?? jesus those bastards would crush most of you and they are out and proud gay men.

God-King Dean

Yeah I agree. The trend of calling others androtops, say just with your friends or whatever, started with homophobia. Calling someone gay is used as a derogatory term, even if the person doesn't have a problem with it.

Homophobia has certainly died down over the last few decades. But I don't think it will ever go away entirely.


First Grade
yes things are changing but because organised religion still says homosexuality is a sin, homophobia will always exist.


:lol: I still hope you get there mate!

It's a relief to actually realise that there is nothing wrong with it at all, and to realise you can relax and no longer feel uncomfortable about it. I'm sorry that you - and how ever many others you think reckon all have nothing wrong with them too - waste so much of your energy feeling uncomfortable about something that is natural.

Good on Davey Williams and Watmough for making some rugby league fans squirm just by doing what ever came natural and most relaxed to him!


yes things are changing but because organised religion still says homosexuality is a sin, homophobia will always exist.
Now where did that come from? Many parts of the world for which 'organised religion' is peripheral to overall culture (if even that) are nonetheless horribly homophobic. The Czech republic, for instance, is, according to surveys, the most atheistic country on the planet, yet a couple of months ago police had to intervene after bystanders attacked people involved in a gay pride parade.

Similarly, you will find that attitudes in much of China are extremely homophobic, despite the government's efforts in the past fifty years to stamp out religion altogether. When I was living there a few years back, I heard more than one person comment on occasion that they would rather kill their children than live with them being homosexual. None of them belonged to a religion that explicitly frowned on homosexuality.

The fact that homophobia is so strong in certain parts of the world is at least partially the fault of organised religion; however, it's naive to suggest that organised religion is the only thing that's keeping homophobic attitudes going. There are many reasons why people are homophobic, and I'm betting that 'God doesn't like it' is more of an excuse for the attitude rather than the reason behind it.


yes things are changing but because organised religion still says homosexuality is a sin, homophobia will always exist.

organised religion is a sin, people just need to let people live their lives the way they want and not listen to bullsh*t from hypocrites.

God-King Dean

:lol: I still hope you get there mate!

It's a relief to actually realise that there is nothing wrong with it at all, and to realise you can relax and no longer feel uncomfortable about it. I'm sorry that you - and how ever many others you think reckon all have nothing wrong with them too - waste so much of your energy feeling uncomfortable about something that is natural.

Wasting my energy ? Did it occur to you that it may be natural to feel uncomfortable seeing dudes kiss ?

And if you could post without the condescending, that'd be swell.

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