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  1. J

    Todd Lowrie

    Reddy: won't replace Mckinnon, his development has severly plateaued Parmatangi & KJ: these guys aren't ready for first grade. I can't find back ups for Cordoba or Williams, and thats my point, there isn't back up out there for them. I think Peek will end up staying, which is fine by me, but...
  2. J

    Todd Lowrie

    The people i wanted at the club are no longer available.
  3. J

    Todd Lowrie

    Not realy no. Myles, whilst i now hope we get him is yet to be proven as a starter in my eyes, he plays off the bench for the Dogs. And if our depth is so stretched that the best quality front rower we have coming off the bench is Josh Cordoba or JT and Minichello makes our top starting...
  4. J

    Todd Lowrie

    Then who replaces Hayne Williams Cordoba Widders McKinnon And potentially Delaney Reddy etc..
  5. J

    Todd Lowrie

    While I agree we don't know what cards the club is holding, if the club is banking on some miraculous turn in form because whilst it was good to see some improvement in beating Souths and the Raiders, the quality of both displays weren't that much better than what we have produced through most...
  6. J

    Todd Lowrie

    If clubs, like any other business, aren't thinking ahead they fall in a heap. What do they say, "failing to plan is planning to fail."
  7. J

    Todd Lowrie

    To take that point one step further. We had like 20 odd players off contract this year. That is too many. The amount of time they would have to spend working out who they want to keep and let go, who to offer increases to and how much to increase those contracts by.... By the time they figure...
  8. J

    Todd Lowrie

    I don't think he would be signed as a first choice 5/8. He is surely being signed to play as a utility. If he is coming in to replace say a Henry Perenara, Good, he is better than Henry P (with all due respect to Henry). if he is coming to replace Johnny, then bad. The biggest concern is...
  9. J

    Todd Lowrie

    23,000 posts suggests you have more spare time than i do, and good luck to you. Perhaps i should write a letter. But if i was going to take the time to write a letter to someone, or something, it would be about more pressing issue than a football club signing. I also don't think it should take...
  10. J

    Todd Lowrie

    I tell you what, seeing as how you are in with "Zap" and his crew and are in the know, why don't you pass on my grievences for me... ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) Last time i checked, as long as i wasn't defaming anyone, i could post what ever i like. And i am pretty sure i am not the only one losing...
  11. J

    Todd Lowrie

    I know i should let things "pan out", but "making do"!!.... uh, uh, that will be unacceptable. A club in our position doesnt have to "make do", you don't release a truck load of players, freeing up cash galore and then "make do".
  12. J

    Todd Lowrie

    Fui wasnt the first bloke we rushed out to sign after June 30. Usually teams sign bigger $$ players first, then use what money they have left to pick up some solid "Lowrie" style players that are around. Souths announce Asotasi, we announce Lowrie, who has their priorities in place? We'd...
  13. J

    Todd Lowrie

    How ridiculous. Firday night i took Watmough in a try scoring match up against Todd Lowrie paying $5 and suprise suprise i cleaned up. Why, because Lowrie is crap! What about the try he bombed! He got into a hole and didn't know what to do! You would have to assume there is bigger and...
  14. J

    2007 Team

    But apart from maybe Nate Myles (i stress "maybe"). Any of those replacing what we currently have isn't making our 2007 squad any stronger than our 2006 squad, and we know how bad they are going. That list of off contract battlers from Newcastle also worries me. I better not see Todd Lowrie...
  15. J

    Eels vs Storm 2005 (at melbourne)

    That was in what round round 6?! We are now in Round 18! I think we may have left our run a little late....
  16. J

    Anyone follow the ESL closely?

    When you think that players leave Australia to get more $$ in the UK, it is fair to say that you will pay more for a player of equal ability if they come from the uk, than a local. (i.e Brett Ferres of Bradford, is probably on a similar level as Nate Myles, but Myles would probably come...
  17. J

    souths sign Asotasi

    I wonder what all those goats who support Piggins are thinking now.....
  18. J

    Another one gorn

    Hagan has already made the wrong choice in signing one Witt, he surely wouldn't make the same mistake twice! I just have this fear, we are going to throw an over the top amount of cash at Lyon yet.
  19. J

    Why not Travis Burns? from Manly website. Another one gone..... Either they aren't signing Lyon, or intned to play him on the wing outside Stephenson! :)
  20. J

    Judic Charges

    I'd say VERY lucky! As for Utai. he would have to be the only winger in history who when making covering tackles aims at the head, not the legs....