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Search results

  1. A

    Mullen for Aussie 5/8th?

    Fair dinkum guys . Sure we may be Knights supporters but do all of us have these red and blue blinkers on that cant see common sense? Shirley you cannot be serious about Mullen as Australia No.6. He hasnt set the world on fire even at Newcastle yet - so dont make yourself look like a...
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    Newcastle Vs Storm *Spoiler*

    Interesting pick up Nuffy. I hadnt noticed until you said that and sure enough they are doing it a lot - its not a bad ploy. If you cant beat em join them and maybe we could beat em. As for Badger.. Hmm Hayne.. you name them We have very little quality refs - but the ref isnt costing us the...
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    Something To Giggle At.... Taylor Tells It As It Is

    CWB you are showing what a Goose you are.. you forgot to mention at the end of your comment.... after medicrity so far ..... (also into THIRD SPOT).... Parramatta in 3rd spot - Look where we are and look where Souths are? 10th and 12th mate - hardly medicority so far? Go back under your cave...
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    Luke Grant

    Isnt Luke Grant that fat slob that has his own Breakfast ZRadio Show on 2HD in the mornings? And he has the hide to barrack for the Rooters as well.
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    Knights Fined for Salary Cap

    You goose. As even Dilmah was smart enough to realise Smith had nothing to do with 2006 and if you had half a brain you would also realise this is the 5th year out of the last seven years we have had salary cap breaches (and one fo the smallest ones too). Go climb back under a rock Baron.
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    New CEO - Crowe, Parr or Burraston

    I agree - I'd like to see Crowe get a job somewhere else too - Like Siberia He has been acting CEO for far too long - and he wont get any Academy Awards for that neither. Only guy that would do a worse job than Crowe would be getting Conway back. lol
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    Greg Bird

    Cant you? Why not? Anthony Topou, Anthony Quinn, Ben Kennedy, Michael Ennis, Tamana Tahu the list is endless during one CEO's particular rein. Yet we keep others that Smith has correctly identified as dead wood. How can you not believe it Mac? As others have said Bird's agression and...
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    At last Newcastle get their start signing

    Here Here - Lets see how Steve Burraton goes - He cant do any worse than his predecessor of the last 5 years who we added insult by paying him a golden handshake after paying him ridiculous money for 5 years not to do the job he was supposed to do. Pffffft I hope SB can make it the truly great...
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    Newton to England????

    Simon - you are one strange dude to talk about Dummy Spits. You can compete with the best of them.
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    Newton to England????

    Maybe our Mastermind and Acting CEO had decided to LET HIM GO to free up the salary cap for this year. They heard Roosters and Dragons were doing a similar thing and thought he'd copy seeing he rarely conceives an original good idea. Maybe he's poised to sign SBW or another great star like we...
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    Newton to England????

    Well said Bring It on Knights. Me thinks Danish Mad Cow speaks through his butt.
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    Newton to England????

    Hey MadCow. Seems like you are in the scoop with such inside info. He was a professional athelte who may have been late for one training session - It doesnt make him lazy you tool. Check your facts before you shoot your mouth off for the 2,320th time with dribble son.
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    Clint Newton, This Is Your Thread

    Soft Option my a%$e. If the coach dont like you (and he is also a selector and in Y1 of r 3 Yr contract) thn you dont stand a chance in a politically dominated sport like RL. He had his 100 games of pure effort and did the Jersey Proud. Time to allow him to move on and achieve his goals without...
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    Newton to England????

    Big Deal. Just because he made up his mind that the Knights were not going to offer him a gig in 2008 is he supposed to spit the dummy and not play his 100th game you tool?
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    How do we get a crowd for the rest of the year?

    That would reduce the ground capacity by 3,500 you flip and wouldnt be too nice if us long serving members & season ticket holders were in it at the time. Maybe you can agree to detonate the TNT whilst you have your other hand on it in the dressing rooms (on a non game day)
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    Current Board?

    Im sure you could do a better job. So could my 8 yo sister lol
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    Newton to England????

    I think he dont knows what he's talking about. He's spent too much time thinking up a new name for his Danish Princess :D
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    Newton to England????

    Sounds like you are just making up controversial posts just so you can make it to 2,500 posts. If it was on quality of posts you'd be behind me. You are the Typical Shallow supporter who loves a player like Mad Dog one minute then turns on them because they go to another club... and bags them...
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    Newton to England????

    I hope you are joking PrinceMooCow
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    The Cleanout That Needs to Happen

    Well Said Oswin.... You just need to look at the time his post was made? Yes just four hours after a record defeat. It would have taken CWB four hours to draft up his essay on the subject. OK we won in 1997 and 2001 and we made the final about every year in between. Thats winning 2 GF's in 9...