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Big Matty v Big Fat

1 Eyed TEZZA

Some Matty Johns 'highlights'.

circa 2006
- Milton Thaiday should be NSW fullback. *Milton was actually from Queensland*
- Darren Albert should be selected for NSW

circa 2010
- Timana Tahu was the best centre in the game before he left

Wally Lewis
- Ben Roberts should be NSW five eight.


18 years . . . crikey. I watched the first show in anticipation of a great concept.

I watched the tenth or roundabout show to see if it had improved.

Maybe four or five years later when pissed I watched another show for about half an hour.

Well, I did watch the first episode of 'days of our lives' a hundred years ago so I should have known better . . . and it's still going as well I'm told

Cool! What else have you watched?


Cool! What else have you watched?

Since you seem genuinely interested and I therefore can't be rude here are a few recent favourites I can remember that were not to be missed . . . all without ads of course.

Deadwood, Spartacus, Rome, Sons of Anarchy, anything with pirates, Al Pacino or Charlize Theron. Have been many more but medication hinders memory


I used to watch the footy show every week... in the first few years. Then, every year, I would watch it less and less. Now I might see maybe half an hour of the entire season. This won't change until they have a full clean-out of the current show.


When I first moved to Oz in '98 I watched The Footy Show and loved it because in England RL simply doesn't get the same sort of mainstream treatment on TV at all. After a couple of years though, it really dawned on me how awful it was. It begins with the presenters, who almost as a whole come across as wooden amateurs, and ends with the appalling writers and 'sketches' that would be embarrasing if a bunch of ten-year olds did them, let alone supposed professionals on mainstream TV.

I hate AFL, but when I have watched their show (I've seen maybe 2 episodes) it has a completely different vibe - just more professional full stop. It has rubbish bits as well, its not a great show at all, but it shows the difference having good communicators makes (and actual comedians rather than wannabees) rather than just picking people because they are ex-players.

I haven't watched the RL version for years except when channel-hopping, and it really is embarrasingly bad at times.

As for Matty Johns, I think he has the ability to be a comedy sidekick, but lead presenter? Not nearly enough improvement on Vautin (who like some others is better on radio - did an OK show with Ben Ikin last year).


The Footy Show sux. The Matty Johns Show was worse. Footy players are crap on TV. So long as they keep choosing blokes like Fatty and Matty to host and players to fill the panels then they will continue to suck.

TV presenters don't play footy, footy players shouldn't present TV shows.


I hope you used your other 2 wishes wisely....

Well something like The Game Plan running before a Sunday double header and between the two matches with report updates would be a big step up in terms of their coverage.


When I first moved to Oz in '98 I watched The Footy Show and loved it because in England RL simply doesn't get the same sort of mainstream treatment on TV at all. After a couple of years though, it really dawned on me how awful it was. It begins with the presenters, who almost as a whole come across as wooden amateurs, and ends with the appalling writers and 'sketches' that would be embarrasing if a bunch of ten-year olds did them, let alone supposed professionals on mainstream TV.

I hate AFL, but when I have watched their show (I've seen maybe 2 episodes) it has a completely different vibe - just more professional full stop. It has rubbish bits as well, its not a great show at all, but it shows the difference having good communicators makes (and actual comedians rather than wannabees) rather than just picking people because they are ex-players.

I haven't watched the RL version for years except when channel-hopping, and it really is embarrasingly bad at times.

As for Matty Johns, I think he has the ability to be a comedy sidekick, but lead presenter? Not nearly enough improvement on Vautin (who like some others is better on radio - did an OK show with Ben Ikin last year).

Eddie McGuire is a tool and when he started hosting the GAFL show he copped the usual stuff that journalists get from footy heads - never played the game, what does he know? Because he worked in media he knew how to run the show (and he is a footy head) so all the other boofheads looked better. He knows how to look at the camera, not mumble, follow a script or plan. Fatty has no idea what's happening next, the panel crack up laughing randomly, whisper to each other.......amateurs.
The NRL show is wall to wall crap. On the Mexican version they have a designated d1ckhead in Sam Newman and once they get him out the way the rest of the panel can talk properly. Compare that to the other show where Fatty is an idiot, Brohman and Freddy are idiots, and then they have stupid skits to boot. Non stop idiocy.

Stiffy Rogers

It seems in that interview on MMM that Matt Johns still has some burning anger over what happened to him with the Cronulla incident. Surely displaying this type of behavior isn't an overly good look though. And what's his beef with Fatty? Somebody who stuck by him during those media frenzied dark times. Doesn't matter that the Footy Show sucks and he is correct about what needs to be done, it's his non-distancing from Singo's comments that have me think he is an angry man on a mission.

And let's face it. Most fans have been crying out for a proper league show for a very long time. He's not the first person to think of controversy corner, he was just in a position to implement it. Perhaps this incident will help push the 9 network towards a proper league show. Sunday roast is okay, but it involves Mark Geyer and a few other twits who make you want to turn it off after 10 minutes.

Johns is a good TV personality and he will probably end up on Fox and that's probably the best result all round. As for Fatty and the Footy show? Vautin is a very clever bloke and probably needs to reinvent himself as a presenter.

Oh and my first post. Been coming to League Unlimited for years and never ventured onto the forums...


I can confirm it because I live up here. I know some die hard Maroons supporters and I only need to say to them "how good was Joey Johns back in the day?". The transformation is incredible. It's almost like watching the human equivalent of a Chernobyl nuclear meltdown.

These are the symptoms of Joeyitis. The victim's face will start turning crimson, incessant frothing at the mouth will occur, their eyes will start to bulge, they'll clench their fists in rage and you'll generally have 10 seconds to vacate the room before an unintelligible pile of gibberish will spew out of the victim's mouth about Joey the overrated drug cheat.

Your best hope of survival is to run for your car, kick it over and don't stop until you reach the NSW border.

:lol: Very true. I remember well last year having an animated argument with two mates of mine when they asked me if I thought Darren Lockyer was the greatest of all time and I said I thought Joey was. They reacted the way Raiders fans would if you told them David Furner was the greatest coach of all time. Apparently playing more NRL matches, more Origins and more Test matches is the only reliable indicator of greatness. Things like having a better kicking game, better defense, more dominance during a game and being generally considered by those in the game as the best of all time, are all fluff details. I was accused of "Having the NSW blinkers on" because I couldn't accept the "facts" that show Lockyer is better.

Mind you, both my mates have lived in Qld all their lives, so the only media they've been exposed to is the one which told them day in, day out that King Darren was actually the second coming of Christ...
Matthew Johns and Paul 'Fatty' Vautin best of mates no more

Paul 'Fatty' Vautin bites back after Matty Johns' claims. Picture: Adam Ward Source: The Daily Telegraph

Matty Johns....rejected offer to join The Footy Show if Paul Vautin did not quit. Source: The Daily Telegraph

PAUL Vautin is shocked that his long-standing friend Matty Johns doesn't want to work alongside him on Channel 9's Footy Show this year.

"Matty and I have always been mates and have never had a problem," Vautin told The Daily Telegraph last night.

"I supported him to the hilt during his tough times a couple of years back, as everybody knows.

"We last spoke late last year when I went on his Triple M radio show for a chat."

Johns earlier this week rejected a $400,000 offer to return to Channel 9 because the network wouldn't sack Vautin as host. Nine is standing by Vautin, who has worked for the station for over 20 years, because he has a strong following with Queensland audiences.

Johns' manager John Singleton attacked Vautin in yesterday's Daily Telegraph.

"There's no more overrated footballer in the history of football than Fatty Vautin and no more overrated coach," Singleton said.

"He was an average footballer and he's an average TV talent."

Those closest to Vautin say he was not overly upset by the remarks, knowing Singleton's long history of colourful off-the-cuff language.

"Singo must have missed those four good games I played in 1983," Vautin said.

"But, seriously, I just don't care what John Singleton thinks - he's just not on my radar.

"And I did retire from footy 21 years ago for heaven's sake. And I did coach only nine games. It's a bit tough to hang a bloke for that."

The six-time Logie winner rang and spoke to Nine boss David Gyngell as soon as he read the story yesterday morning to thank him for his loyalty.

Ironically, Gyngell was at breakfast with NRL boss David Gallop in Bondi, talking about the next NRL television deal, when Vautin rang.

He said he's still the man to host the show, despite disappointing ratings in recent years.

"At The Footy Show we just always try to have a bit of fun and do our best to entertain fans," Vautin said.

"That's what it's about and I reckon I'm still up for it. I am pleased - blessed - to have worked for Nine since 1991 and I'm delighted they have returned my loyalty to them.

"We're a good mob and I am ecstatic to be back at The Footy Show for another year."

It is understood Johns had criticised Vautin during his negotiations to rejoin the network, but had never said from the start Fatty couldn't be there. But late in the piece, he said: "I'm not working with Fatty."

A network source also said the Johns camp wanted to be paid to produce the show and hand it over to Nine: "But we weren't going to give up creative control."


Big Pete

Vautin hasn't commentated an Origin game for awhile?

Meanwhile we have to put up with Gould cheerleading the Blues all series when they're a decent shot.


He's there during half time and pre-games at least, I didn't mention commentating and wouldn't have him doing that either. We already have one senile commentator we don't need two.

no name

It is understood Johns had criticised Vautin during his negotiations to rejoin the network, but had never said from the start Fatty couldn't be there. But late in the piece, he said: "I'm not working with Fatty."
Is that a direct quote? FFS

Even if Johns did say that, I don't see the problem.
They offered him a contract, he said what he wanted, they said no, so he knocked it back.
Shit like this happens all the time.

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