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NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far 2

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Best ~~ I've finally got my act together and made all the important posters I need to set up my classroom before school starts. I've been lazy recently, but today I finally got motivated and made heaps!

Worst ~~ I ordered a change of address label to stick on my driver's license over the Net way before Christmas, but it never arrived. After waiting at Queensland Transport for about an hour today, I got home and it was in the mailbox. :lol: Murphy's Law!

les norton

First Grade
best - am finding my feet at work, gaining confidence by the day.

worst - sore tum tum...plus i have to go to some computer training all day tomorrow...boring!!!


First Grade
BEST: The house is all clean and ready for the inspection tomorrow

WORST: I have a headache, there's not bread to make a sandwich and I'm hungry, and I have a blocked nose.
BEST - got a BBQ at an old mate's place tonight, which I am really looking forward to.

WORST - finally got my phone back from Optrus today, only to discover that they have restored the factory settings on it (ie deleted all my files). There goes twelve months worth of awesome photos, including ones from Townsville, Melbourne and various other trips that I will never get back...


First Grade
that sucks matty.... dont worry just hang with me and ill make sure u have a million photos before the footy season starts :)

best: had a great day with ben then went over a friends house who just got back from overseas :D

worst: drove home in really bad fog. could barely see 5m ahead so that was a bit scary


First Grade
BEST: The inspection was fine, of course there was no drama.

WORST: I had the worst belly ache last night, I was also light headed and couldn't stand up for very long. Thankfully I feel abit better today.


best - no kidney stones, its torn rib cartliage (NFI how I did that!!)

worst - it is really bloody hurting, and work is boring today


Best: Saw my bf for the first time in 5 weeks as he's been overseas. Also happy that it's a long weekend as I'm really over work!

Worst: I have to be a "buddy" to the new graduate at work. Please let me get another job soon!


First Grade
BEST: I'm finished work for today, it was sssooooo boring.

WORST: My feet hurt and I have to do it all over again tomorrow.

garden fairy

~bedsy~ said:
WORST: I had the worst belly ache last night, I was also light headed and couldn't stand up for very long. Thankfully I feel abit better today.

I totally think there is a bug going round Bedsy...I've had the same problem for a week! Dizzyness, nausea, tiredness...it sucks...

Hope you feel better soon :)


First Grade
Thanks! I do feel better today, I did get light headed only once today which was good lol.

BEST: Nothing

WORST: My car won't start, it needs an ignition module and I can't get it fixed until Monday because the 24/7 Waranty people arn't 24/7. I called the NRMA incase it was somthing simple... but of course it's not. So I will have to get a taxi to work tomorrow and then I will walk home when I finish. Lucky I have until next Thursday off after that.
Man I must have been Hitler in a past life because this one is hell.


Best: Did a kick arse performance not too long ago and have my final performance tonight.

Worst: I got sunburnt yesterday and it hurts
BEST - my mate and his wife had a baby yesterday morning, and it just happened to be the first baby born in the Hunter on Australia Day! Therefore, little Ethen Jack Bower made his media debut on the front page of today's Newcastle Herald!

WORST - had a big Australia day... been fairly hungover all bloody day.


First Grade
Best: Lovely Australia Day long weekend so far. Was out in the sun all day yesterday, then out in the evening with the girls until the morning :D and I thought I wasn't such a night owl anymore! Got home after 4am.

Worst: Planned on a quiet night in tonight, but there was a party a few doors up the street, actually not really a party, it was worse - there was a band, event planning people spent all afternoon decking out the FRONT yard. My gorgeous quiet street was transformed into an outdoor event that spilled out onto the street.

I was very unimpressed, hands on hips at the front of my house, glaring down the street. I am really getting OLD.


First Grade
BEST: Work is finished for today, and I actually feel really good after the walk home from work.

WORST: I got home and there's nothing for lunch... bread on it's own is pretty boring. Plus my feet hurt and I had a few more dissy spells. Plus I think there's a ghost following me... don't laugh I do actually see dead people.


First Grade
yes, I don't really see who it is, but I see a person, sort of like when you see a shadow, that's what I see, but none else is in the room.
They seem to follow me, but mainly mum, she see's them more than I do. I can see how crazy this sounds, but it's true.


First Grade
BEST: 2 days till i leave!!! whoot! and i wil be going back in march around my birthday!!

WORST: i am gunna be so broke!


First Grade
where ya off to northey????? u sound excited :p

best: umm had a lazy day and had a good time last night .. went to a new gay bar in town and it was fun

worst: stacked it big time at work tonight.... going way to fast around a corner when the floor was slippery was heaps funny but it hurt! and i cut my finger.
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