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Massive News: SMH: Runaway Lyon says he's keen to rejoin Parramatta

fish eel said:
so you'll stick around and celebrate a souless grand final victory with Lyon winning the Churchill medal then?

Nope. I'll stick around and celebrate the fact that a bunch of people persevered through our tough times, held fast and managed to fight their way back to a Premiership. Then, IF Lyon wins the Churchill Medal I'll boo him til I'm hoarse and thumb my nose at him when he does his lap :D

fish eel

Hollywood Jesus said:
Nope. I'll stick around and celebrate the fact that a bunch of people persevered through our tough times, held fast and managed to fight their way back to a Premiership. Then, IF Lyon wins the Churchill Medal I'll boo him til I'm hoarse and thumb my nose at him when he does his lap :D

but to get that grand final win with an unrepentant Jamie Lyon, the club would have sold out, your words, not mine. as was souless I believe. thats not why you follow Parramatta, so you tell us. we're better than that you've been lecturing. but I guess all your grandstanding would go out the window. you'd sell out yourself.....because no matter how you dress it up, thats the position you've put yourself in.
no, but I'm not gonna turn my back on those blokes who have hung around through the tough times just because of one little snotface.

i won't sell out, despite the fact you might wanna dress it up that way so you can have an excuse to turn a blind eye to your own sell-outing-ness (hehe).

look, you know i'm right, but in order to admit it you might have to actually grow a backbone and push away the instant gratification for something that is deeper and more fulfilling. i know that's hard for people in today's society to do, but that's one of the great things about me - i continually show people like you how far you have fallen and why the likes of you are lesser men than me.

deal with it or not, it doesn't change the facts.


First Grade
strider said:
can anyone say "willie tonga" .... pretty damn likely willie would have been #1 parra centre had jamie done his thing 6 months earlier instead of cashing in and then bolting

I'm pretty sure Tonga was offered another deal. I'm sure you remember who was partnering Lyon in the centres in his last game for us.. there was definitely a position there for him if he wanted it.

HJ, give up mate. You're lecturing on something you don't know anything about. You have no f**king idea why Lyon left, and here you are judging him. So much for Mr. Maturity who preaches about being a real man. And if Jamie did win us that premiership and got the CC medal for it, I'm sure you booing while the rest of the Eels fans support him is really going to ruin the night.

Jamie owes nothing to you, and even though I couldn't speak for him I doubt he'd want to "talk turkey" with you anyway.


What we are also forgetting is that he kind of went with the club's blessing. Our club allowed him to play at Wee Waa, while still controlling his contract. Our club allowed him to play at St Helens, while still controlling his contract. Even though he dropped his bundle with the Eels after R1 2004, he is still actually a Parramatta player until June 30.

Only a few people will know what really went down in the lead up to him initially asking for and being granted time off by the club, only to not come back and play. I'm sure there would have been more to it than we know through the media hype, and the focus with stories on Crusher and Manly. In fact if you look at the timing of his departure and his mooted possible return, it's easy to see one common denominator there... If you want an apology/explanation from Jamie he may not be able to give it until after this season, for example if it happened to involve a more senior employee of the club?

Anyway, my point is while it's patently true he could have handled whatever happened better, and he does have some massive bridges to mend with the teammates he left behind and the club who (still) employs/controls him, if he does resolve things with those parties for 2007, then as fans we have to just say OK, as it's those players and the club that have a much better idea than we or the media of what actually went down at the time of R1 2004 and was behind all of this.

Fair enough the extra respect for people that stuck around and through tough times, but maybe it was a issue just about Jamie that wasn't relevant to anyone else, so the comparison isn't at issue? And just maybe it was a situation where Jamie wasn't the biggest snotface involved, just that the details of it have never surfaced publicly? If players, coaching staff and officially who will still be with the club in 2007 don't have a problem with it, then why do we as fans need to carry it on?


Finally, someone with a valid point and someone who doesn't think they are better than the rest of us because we don't agree with them.

Well done Bartman


I'm with you Bartman.

Who's not to say that to allow him to play for Wee Waa or St Helens, a media ban was not written into his contract?

So the possibility of the full story coming out, after his original contract expires, might not seem far fetch.

So if you had a best mate. He has been married for 3 years and is feeling unconfortable with his marriage. He walks out and leaves his wife, and possibly kids behind, now, would you stand by your mate?


Post Whore
bartman said:
What we are also forgetting is that he kind of went with the club's blessing. Our club allowed him to play at Wee Waa, while still controlling his contract. Our club allowed him to play at St Helens, while still controlling his contract. Even though he dropped his bundle with the Eels after R1 2004, he is still actually a Parramatta player until June 30.

Only a few people will know what really went down in the lead up to him initially asking for and being granted time off by the club, only to not come back and play. I'm sure there would have been more to it than we know through the media hype, and the focus with stories on Crusher and Manly. In fact if you look at the timing of his departure and his mooted possible return, it's easy to see one common denominator there... If you want an apology/explanation from Jamie he may not be able to give it until after this season, for example if it happened to involve a more senior employee of the club?

Anyway, my point is while it's patently true he could have handled whatever happened better, and he does have some massive bridges to mend with the teammates he left behind and the club who (still) employs/controls him, if he does resolve things with those parties for 2007, then as fans we have to just say OK, as it's those players and the club that have a much better idea than we or the media of what actually went down at the time of R1 2004 and was behind all of this.

Fair enough the extra respect for people that stuck around and through tough times, but maybe it was a issue just about Jamie that wasn't relevant to anyone else, so the comparison isn't at issue? And just maybe it was a situation where Jamie wasn't the biggest snotface involved, just that the details of it have never surfaced publicly? If players, coaching staff and officially who will still be with the club in 2007 don't have a problem with it, then why do we as fans need to carry it on?

:clap: :clap: :clap: .

He owes us, the fans, nothing. And if anyone is suggesting otherwise, they are placing far more importance on their own stature than is worthy.


Tyler Durden

bartman, you are so getting a big hug !

jamie was the unlucky bugger that got caught in the crossfire between certain members of the club at that time. most will be gone when 07 rolls around.

i think that it also shows the maturity of jamie now to even think about coming back to parra. could easily wait out until jul 1 and have a lot of other clubs tripping over to sign him up.
ParraDude_Jay said:
HJ, give up mate. You're lecturing on something you don't know anything about. You have no f**king idea why Lyon left, and here you are judging him.

Absolutely 100% correct.

But you know what, this thread has gone on for 19 pages now with none of us knowing whats actually going on. Everyone freely admits this is a thread based purely on speculation, yet here we all are on Page 19! Now, how many posts have I made? 15-20? That's like what, a page? Out of 19? Puh-lease, I'm no worse off just because my opinion is different to yours and I make you look like a spineless fool.

But I guess it's ok for people to welcome him back with open arms, making this decision based purely on the exact same information that I am not allowed to form an opinion with? roflmao - fool.

bartman said:
What we are also forgetting is that he kind of went with the club's blessing. Our club allowed him to play at Wee Waa, while still controlling his contract. Our club allowed him to play at St Helens, while still controlling his contract. Even though he dropped his bundle with the Eels after R1 2004, he is still actually a Parramatta player until June 30.

If you want an apology/explanation from Jamie he may not be able to give it until after this season, for example if it happened to involve a more senior employee of the club?

1) lol, he went nowhere with the Club's blessing. They let him play for teams he didn't actually wanna play for because we weren't gonna let him just have his way. Honestly, do you think his real choice of teams were Wee Waa and St. Helen's? We all know he would have run to Manly if he could have on a moments notice. Manly cap, anyone? Yep, sure sign of a guy who wasn't being a prick if I've ever seen one

2) Absolutely correct. If it takes time to get the apology/explanation/whatever then that's fine with me. But, as I just said to PDJ, please don't hack on me when I've done nothing different to everyone else that has contributed to this 19 page thread.

damo72 said:
Finally, someone with a valid point and someone who doesn't think they are better than the rest of us because we don't agree with them.

Well done Bartman

My points are extremely valid. And I'm better than you because of many reasons - my beard, my integrity, my high level of natural intelligence, dashing good looks, undeniable and irresistable charisma, and let's not forget my beard.

yy_cheng said:
So if you had a best mate. He has been married for 3 years and is feeling unconfortable with his marriage. He walks out and leaves his wife, and possibly kids behind, now, would you stand by your mate?

Excellent point.

My answer - not in the least. You see, that is what is wrong with society these days. We enter into things thinking we can just bail if the situations doesn't turn out like our dreams told us it would. Marriages, contracts - our society thinks first and foremost of instant gratification and we have thrown off our responsibilities because they simply don't fit us.

I have this discussion with people all the time - friends, family, students, strangers - it's about time our society stopped thinking of our priviliges before our responsibilities, because we are digging ourselves into a big ol' hole of smut because a) we don't think ahead (we don't have to we can just bail) b) we have more important things to do than be honourable, trustworthy and reliable

Once again, excellent point.

Suitman said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: .

He owes us, the fans, nothing. And if anyone is suggesting otherwise, they are placing far more importance on their own stature than is worthy.


Yeah, I know. The fans are owed nothing by the players................lol

Tyler Durden said:
bartman, you are so getting a big hug !

jamie was the unlucky bugger that got caught in the crossfire between certain members of the club at that time. most will be gone when 07 rolls around.

i think that it also shows the maturity of jamie now to even think about coming back to parra. could easily wait out until jul 1 and have a lot of other clubs tripping over to sign him up.

And this is based on what? If you actually know something factual about what happened, I for one would love to hear it. As I have said, this is 19 pages of pure speculation, so any real information would go a long way towards helping us get the understanding we need to make an informed opinion.


So why am I wrong? Because I expect people to honour their word? Because I don't fall down and kiss a footy player's arse and treat them as if they are a god (I doubt they would even rate in the top 20 of most important people in society)? Because I have a different opinion than you?

Or maybe because, as I have already said, me speaking up makes you all subconsciously realise you are vain and shallow and so the only way for you to continue to ignore that and live the dream that you aren't sell-outs like the majority of society is to discredit me so that you can convince yourselves that you don't have to listen to the truths that I speak of?

This isn't about Jamie, when it comes down to it. Well, for me it isn't anyways. I have a system of beliefs that I have applied to this situation - I don;t twist my beliefs to fit this situation so I get my gratification. It's about time that this society learnt to do the right thing, honour it's word and stop thinking it can turn its back on responsibility in order to indulge itself in privilege.

People like all of you, who let people like Jamie get away with sh*t like this, are the reason why society continues to fall down and implode. You should all Listen to the Pope's Easter speech - really listen - because he is talking to you, about you.

Ever wondered why the world is one big sh*thole? Look in the mirror and you will find your answer.

Have a pleasant evening :D


Post Whore
ParraDude_Jay said:
I'm pretty sure Tonga was offered another deal. I'm sure you remember who was partnering Lyon in the centres in his last game for us.. there was definitely a position there for him if he wanted it.

tonga was offered a deal - but if jamie had done his dirty work months earlier the club would have thrown more at tonga to make him stay AND they would have been able to tell him the centre spot was his to lose as opposed to "well we've got 2 international centres, lyon and vaeliki, but we'll try and fit you in too" ..... peterson partnered lyon because vaeliki was injured .... tonga's position at parra, with lyon there was to wait for one of the international centres infront of him to get injured and get a go - no wonder he left ... unfortunately jamie bailed too and left us 2 centres down.

I don't agree with everything HJ is saying - I don't think jamie owes me anything as a fan .... but like HJ, I can't see that anyone has put forward any valid arguements why I am wrong to still hold a grudge against the guy ... when jamie left with the story of "needing time to sort out personal stuff" ppl on this forum went after him with 2 loaded barrells and I defended him all the way - but as it slowly emerged he was f**king everyone around and manipulating situations to get his way I was massively disappointed in him ... Jamie can't blame anyone but himself - I'm sure I don't know everything, but there are enough little bits and pieces out there to piece things together - and in my eyes it paints a bad picture for him ... maybe crusher was in his ear, maybe smithy upset him a bit, maybe fitzy was a tough prick over it - so what, Jamie still had every chance to do things right, but he chose not to ..... I'm not gonna cry in my dinner if he comes back - just cos I don't want him back doesn't mean I won't support parra like so many people are suggesting (surprisingly many saying this hate brian smith but still think you can support parra while he's here - go figure).

fish eel

Hollywood Jesus said:
no, but I'm not gonna turn my back on those blokes who have hung around through the tough times just because of one little snotface.

i won't sell out, despite the fact you might wanna dress it up that way so you can have an excuse to turn a blind eye to your own sell-outing-ness (hehe).

look, you know i'm right, but in order to admit it you might have to actually grow a backbone and push away the instant gratification for something that is deeper and more fulfilling. i know that's hard for people in today's society to do, but that's one of the great things about me - i continually show people like you how far you have fallen and why the likes of you are lesser men than me.

deal with it or not, it doesn't change the facts.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

thats actually midly amusing.
I have fallen a long way.
Do you think you could find it in your heart to help me back up to my feet and become a better man :roll:
not really, hahaha (aren't I the greatest?!?!)

seriously, though, what about the hat? the bloody hat, people?

(surprisingly many saying this hate brian smith but still think you can support parra while he's here - go figure).

and that's a very nice point, actually.

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