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  1. eMPee

    Simmons, Brown - Not signed yet

    ur an idiot reefy if u think birdy is still not good enough for us
  2. eMPee

    Dean Jamieson

    yeah rim was captain JF GF. had a stint with newtown. wondered where he'd gone too
  3. eMPee

    2004 Sharks Flegg Team

    what ever happened to rim rewiti?
  4. eMPee

    Support players needed!!

    weather benji is fast or not, i still like to see someone give chase rather than give up like seymour did. And i think benji was pushing rather than jogging as he rested on the ground after scoring...
  5. eMPee

    Thank you, Bird.

    I listened to the game on MMM also and totally agree.
  6. eMPee

    Are you blokes married?

    bahahaha all gold
  7. eMPee

    OT: Outsiders thoughts on Northies

    I refuse to go to Northies. After being thrown out for no reason multiple times, no matter if our group was big or small, male or female, or when a friend genuinely needed and asked for help and was ignored and laughed at by the bouncers i wont waste my time just to be seen by all the beautiful...
  8. eMPee

    Tom Kerr to the doggies

    Just heard tonight that he has signed with the dogs through a good mate of his family. Good luck to the young fella
  9. eMPee

    The Way It Looks Like Unfolding In '07

    i agree with SLE. We have noddy so we need to work with what we have, no point wishing he'd leave. aint gonna happen. If sticky was to coach us u would think one of the greatest halfs to play the game could help noddy out of his slump?
  10. eMPee

    Just in!! NEWS on Seymour

    just announced on sports tonight semour on a 2 yr deal
  11. eMPee

    Big headed Big Man ?

    i agree with u thomo_shark to a degree......i dont mind him but do think he is over rated. especially now he winges eveytime he gets up to play the ball
  12. eMPee

    Another Local Junior Leaves!

    I mentioned lovegrove leaving in the hilder thread although i didnt name him, apparently the sharks didnt know about it at the time. Ahh well see how he goes, maybe saints can develop him into a fine player.
  13. eMPee

    Hilder to Gold Coast

    Like everyone else has said, this is a stupid decision by the sharks. Hope he goes well for the titans and if this rubbish continues at the sharks, i might make a fresh start with the titans.And for once i agree with you reefy about Hilder. On another note i hear a local junior has signed...
  14. eMPee

    Fugg me fuggen fatal Mk II

    he gave away a penalty as soon as he came on though. i had to laugh
  15. eMPee


    he played in a team that won a premiership. wow. doesnt mean we would win a trophy if he played with us now would it? obviously we arnt developing our young players to our best ability, thats why i said we should look at that, rather than spending money on buying players, then not getting the...
  16. eMPee


    Farrah would be a waste of time imo. We have some great hookers, developing them should be what we look at...
  17. eMPee

    Good signs

    I wonder how many moves the team practices at training during the week? I watched the same move over and over the other night and at no time did it look like busting the defence. After watching the wallabies and also melbourne the other week, the amount of runners at different angles give the...
  18. eMPee

    Michael Sullivan

    nuffs i play oztag with sully's sister ;) I'll have to chase up if he's unhappy over there
  19. eMPee

    Do the players give a rats?

    i seem to remember it wasnt untill after dykes had a go at first reciever, when noddy swapped back he reverted to his older style of play. For the most part noddy was giving his outside runners pleanty of 'early' ball reefy.
  20. eMPee

    simmons uPdate

    Just got word last night Simmo is still about 4 weeks away from recovery :S